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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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Saturday Newsquips

Updated as long as there are reader comments posted, and/or site-supporting cash coming in.  …

image1.  Actual headline:  “How Obama Can Win Over The Media”.  No seriously.  Should be a challenge for that one to “win over the media”. … Oh my. The liberal media.  Awesome. 

2.  From Rush with love:  Pearl of Wisdom: “Look at the partisan Democrats Obama is appointing. I eagerly anticipate the day where the lights of realization go on in the dimwit skulls of so many of these people who unwittingly and for the stupidest of reasons, voted for Obama.”

image3. Impeach Obama! I’m just kidding.  Impeach Biden!  Kidding again.  But seriously—impeach them.  No I’m kidding.  But seriously seriously, there’s actually “Impeach Obama” Facebook pages and websites springing up already.  Mostly just to get back at the pernicious leftards of the moronosphere as led by the likes of the Cindy Sheehans and their tribe who still incessantly demand that President Bush be impeached for “war crimes” (et al).  I still get a giggle out of my regular mailings from the Impeach Bush group.  “There’s still time!” they wail.  Well time is actually on our side now, buckies. Capeach?

4. YIKES!  GASP!  Saying Obama looks “suntanned” is oh so very very …. reportableLet’s watch as the stuck on stupid, liberal-left, “race” ‘n “tolerance”-baiting political correctitude in today’s Obama-luvin’ media blasts—on the one hand—Italian PM Berlusconi for musing that the new U.S. Prez looks “suntanned”;  and—on the other hand—print and verbally repeat his exact words over and over and over word-for-word on every media outlet.  Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi quipped:  He’s “handsome, young and also suntanned.”  Why it’s such a horrible thing to say that we’re going to put it all over our newspapers and say it a thousand times on the news!  That’s how bloody awful it is!   … He does look suntanned to me… By the way, if I understand the liberal media correctly, it’s also OK to call him a “war criminal”, a “moron”, a “dumb-ass”, a “dictator”, a “hillbilly”, a “red neck”, a “Nazi”, a “liar”, a “war-monger”, a “homophobe” and of course a “racist”. 

5.   Warren Buffet: Obama advisor, investment genius.  Headline today:  “Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Suffers 77% Drop in Profit”.  That’s gotta leave a mark.  Hey here’s an idea:  raise corporate income taxes.  That oughta help.

image6. New Zealand sees the light:  Conservatives win election.  National Party leader John Key won.  And he’s not even suntanned. 



Joel Johannesen
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