Updated as I feel like there is reader interest, through the day… refresh the page periodically… maintain a heart beat…
1. In an unprecedented move, today’s first NewsQuip is actually Canadian newspaper covers.
HOW IN THE TANK FOR OBAMA IS THE CANADIAN LEFT-WING MEDIA? Let us count the ways. How many journalists are there in Canada? OK that many, minus about six.
Approximately six journalists, whose names I do not know, are probably not in the tank for Obama. They’ve yet to make their presence known. Likely they’re not allowed, or they risk their jobs making their presence known.
The rest are, like their American counterparts, except even more so, sheeple, drinking the Kool Aid.
They look past the “homophobe” Obama who is against gay marriage; and the “Christian theocracy” Obama who goes to church (some) Sundays (to listen to raging anti-white racist and Marxist loons, until recently); and the “protectionist, anti-Canadian” Obama who wants to unilaterally end the NAFTA free trade agreement with our country (mostly to appease labor unions down south, harming ours); and the “pro war” Obama, who is a hawk on the war in Afghanistan and want to increase the troops rather than bring them home today; and they look past the guy who thinks Canada’s leader is called the “president of Canada”. They love Barack Obama.
He leans heavily socialist, after all. And he’s not like the other Americans.
The National Post is literally behind Obama—always has been. Today they are (photo)graphically behind him, and over his left shoulder to boot. The Globe and Mail insults all Americans (and Canadians) by glibly implying on their cover that unless Americans vote for Obama, they’re racists. The Gazette is from Montreal, so they front their newspaper with Obama wallpaper and make it “art”.
BARE-ASS BOB RAE is going to run for Liberal Party Butt Cheek-in-Chief, apparently .. says “I’ve got a unique set of skills and experiences that will serve the party well.” … …like, for example, look at my ass! Get your kids and make ‘em have a look at my ass on the people’s CBC TV in prime-time. This is a world leader’s ass! … Today’s CBC article only features his left cheek.
3. AMAZING, CORRUPT MEDIA. In all the coverage about the big U.S. election, one fact stands out today, way above all others: It’s the latest Zogby poll, which says that McCain has now pulled into the lead by one point. Where’s the media on this huge, exciting, breaking story of historic significance? CRICKETS…
4. Obama’s aunt, to whom he referred in his “memoir” (snarf), has been quietly (thanks, media!) living in America—ILLEGALLY —and in public housing—in Boston for four years. The ♥Obama-luvin’♥ media just found this out—just in time for Americans to not hear about it before the election. But don’t worry, Obama will say he dint know nuttin anyway, and that his “memoir” (snarf) simply wasn’t very well researched. An immigration judge rejected her request for asylum from Kenya, four years ago. … Let’s review: Public housing? … And Obama with his millions in cash… That’s some fancy “sharing the wealth”, isn’t it? … Liberals. Ya gotta love ‘em. LINK 1 | LINK 2 | LINK 3
5. WORSE THAN THE CBC – Get a load of this rabid anti-Republican Seattle HATE newspaper. Under the feature headline “Hell Houses” and a sub-head “Exploring the east-side’s topography of terror”, publishes photos, complete with addresses, of Republican-supporting homes displaying Republican elections signs, complete with hateful commentary. Which further demonstrates more of that famous liberal-left “tolerance” and “compassion” and “nuance” and “intellect” and “diversity”… Name and address of the company which owns the paper:
Index Newspapers, LLC
1535 11th Ave (Third Floor), Seattle, WA 98122
Phone – (206) 323-7101
FAX – (206) 323-7203
Email: [email protected]
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