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Salim Mansur - excellent article at Western Standard mag online

UPDATE: Available here now!

(Our) Salim Mansur wrote a column for the Western Standard magazine and it’s available at their site.  You have to register there to read it but it’s free to register and it’s worth registering at that site. 

Salim talks about how Canada’s complicity with Pakistan, which effectively aids and abets the Taliban and other Islamist factions while also being an ally of the U.S. and Canada and the west; and Canada’s financial aid to Pakistan —has got to be rethought in a big way, if we are to ever win the war in Afghanistan. 

Here’s a tidbit of this excellent 3-minute read:

Our duplicitous ally

Canada’s friendship with Pakistan is killing us in Afghanistan

Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan are part of the joint NATO-ISAF mission to assist returning a war-torn failed state to some normalcy where the central government can then secure the country by its own resources from external and internal enemies. This is what peacemaking requires in the post-9/11 world: active intervention on behalf of people in a failed state-an intervention that at every moment runs the risk of turning lethal as it did when the life of Capt. Nichola Goodard was taken by enemy forces bent on defeating international effort to secure the well-being of Afghanistan.

Goddard’s death should mark the end of the pretend innocence of Canadians or, more particularly, politicians regarding the situation in which the world finds itself held hostage with terrorism as an instrument of asymmetrical warfare by radical Islamists. Goddard died to keep Canada secure, and in the post-9/11 world securing Canada has meant going far as is the mission in Afghanistan.

We were fortunate Ahmed Ressam, the Algerian terrorist-bomber residing in Canada and headed for Los Angeles, was arrested at the border by alert U.S. officials. But that incidence showed, if we ever needed proof, the extent to which Canada is enmeshed, irrespective of its wishes, in a global war unleashed by Islamists, which has claimed victims in four continents and cities from New York and London to Baghdad and Bali.

The intensity of the fighting in Afghanistan with Taliban insurgents in recent weeks indicates why that country is unstable. The insurgency is effective since its base remains secure in camps located along the borders inside Pakistan.

Joel Johannesen
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