(Hat tip to Maureen for the Global National poll)
Safe-injection site demonstrators are suffering from serious self-denial
W.P. Kinsella, The Province
Published: Sunday, August 20, 2006
I am completely flummoxed by the idea of hard-core addicts picketing MP David Emerson’s office to protest the possible closure of Vancouver’s safe-injection site.
Those who inject filth purchased from an illegal drug trade deserve nothing from society. They are a small, intransigent group who are being rewarded for bad behaviour.
This kind of demonstration is denial run rampant.
Street-level, hard-core addicts are too often leeches who deal and steal, beg and harass to feed their addiction.
Injecting poisonous drugs is a social taboo that few would choose to flaunt publicly. These are exhibitionist users, there for the freebees and the attention.
Instead of demonstrating, these self-indulgent and self-destructive individuals should be actively seeking treatment and solutions for the problems that control their lives. Safe-injection sites merely encourage and condone illegal and suicidal behaviours. If these people want to play Russian roulette with a needle, they should do it on their own time.
[…] The self-proclaimed victims demonstrating at Emerson’s office suffer abuse only at their own hands, and suffer only from delusions of grandeur. They are willing to protest closure of a safe-injection site, but do not seek a way out of a self-destructive lifestyle.
Can we respect this as a cry for help? Definitely not!
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