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Saddam tapes confirm WMD plans and hiding from U.N. inspectors

Saddam Hussein From the paltry amount of material presented on ABC News last night (there are 12 hours of tapes), we heard Saddam Hussein and aids reveal that they did indeed hide Weapons of Mass Destruction and their nuclear weapons plans from United Nations weapons inspectors prior to the war.  We heard it with our own ears.  Liberals call that “right-wing biased Fox News neo-con opinions”. 

Saddam Hussein is the murdering, raping, thieving dictator of Iraq who the liberal-left in Canada wish was still the murdering, raping, thieving dictator of Iraq.  They wanted to keep him in place, I’m guessing, because he was “progressive” and stood for human rights like the right to rape women in front of their children and rape children in front of their parents and cut ears off of those he didn’t like and to kill his countrymen with chemical weapons. 

No, in actual fact, this all just adds even more to the ever-growing pile of evidence that Saddam Hussein did what all sane people believe he did, which was to move the weapons he had, and all the information about them, to Syria and/or another ally.  The tapes also inconveniently put a lie to the Michael Moore/liberal finger-wag that Hussein had no intention of starting up a nuclear weapons program.  How?  But saying this:  we will start it up again on your say-so, Saddam.  Specifically, a Saddam Hussein aid said to Saddam on the tapes (and this is transcribed myself from my recording of the ABC News report on TV):

“No matter how much time passes, the factories are in our minds, the factories are there.  As for time, it is not on their side.  They cannot break our will, which gets stronger day after day.  We are ready sir, at your disposal.  If you say resume activity in any specific area, we’re here and prepared.”

Liberals call that “exonerated”.  Again:  “exonerated”.

It was Saddam’s son-in-law who also offered:

“As for the nuclear, sir?  We say we have disclosed everything but no.  We have undeclared problems in nuclear as well”.

In other words, Bush is a “moron”.

Then they debate whether to come clean on their nuclear weapons moving forward.  He says:

“Sir, I go back to the question of whether we should reveal everything or continue to be silent.  Sir, since the meeting has taken this direction, I would say it is in our interest not to reveal.”


Here’s some material from an article at

[…] The tapes also reveal Iraq’s persistent efforts to hide information about weapons of mass destruction programs from U.N. inspectors well into the 1990s. In one pivotal tape-recorded meeting, which occurred in late April or May of 1995, Saddam and his senior aides discuss the fact that U.N. inspectors had uncovered evidence of Iraq’s biological weapons program — a program whose existence Iraq had previously denied.

At one point Hussein Kamel, Saddam’s son-in-law and the man who was in charge of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction efforts can be heard on the tapes, speaking openly about hiding information from the U.N.

“We did not reveal all that we have,” Kamel says in the meeting. “Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct.”

Shortly after this meeting, in August 1995, Hussein Kamel defected to Jordan, and Iraq was forced to admit that it had concealed its biological weapons program. (Kamel returned to Iraq in February 1996 and was killed in a firefight with Iraqi security forces.)

A spokeswoman for John Negroponte, director of national intelligence, said information contained in the transcriptions of the tapes was already known to intelligence officials.

“Intelligence community analysts from the CIA, and the DIA reviewed the translations and found that, while fascinating, from a historical perspective the tapes do not reveal anything that changes their post-war analysis of Iraq’s weapons programs nor do they change the findings contained in the comprehensive Iraq Survey group report,” she said in a statement. […]

At one point, Saddam, the liberals’ choice for leader of Iraq, says to his worshippers in the room while talking about their chemical and biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction designed to kill Americans, any westerners, and Israelis:

“With God’s help they will lose, they will lose the most important thing, they lost the spiritual and human aspects.  And God willing, you will win everything.”

Cross your fingers, liberals!

Joel Johannesen
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