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Friday, February 28, 2025
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Russian climate scientist kicked off of the liberal-left’s cocktail circuit

In a move that shocked me out of my gourd today the state-run CBC actually admitted on air that much of the warming in the Arctic is caused not by the “man made global warming”, but instead by rather normal natural causes, and that those sacred, newfangled U.N. “computer models” may be hideously wrong.

There’s more to the recent dramatic and alarming thawing of the Arctic region than can be explained by man-made global warming alone, a new study found. Nature is pushing the Arctic to the edge, too.

There’s a natural cause that may account for much of the Arctic warming, which has melted sea ice, ice sheets and glaciers, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Nature

—CBC in shocking admission

Meanwhile today, liberalvision CTV, citing the same scientific journal Nature as the CBC did in their story, chose only to re-tell an already old story about the boreal forest losing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide as a image result of mankind and our terrible ways (they reported it themselves in October 2007!) … which we must—and can only—correct by riding bicycles and giving money to other countries and creating a global socialist order; and by arranging things such that the all-too-successful America can be brought down a notch or two because at this rate they will never become socialist! (last bit added by me, golly could you tell?). 

CTV does sheepishly admit to the actual facts on the Arctic on their web site today, however.  They just chose a different story for their big on-air broadcast. 

Possible new advertising slogan for media:  Canadian liberalvision:  We report (what we decide to report); and then you decide (based on how we tell you you should think).  coughVote liberal!cough 

As if providing me with a timely antidote to media idiocy, our junk-science-busting columnist Steve Milloy e-mails this tidbit of interest to those of us in the sensible set: 

What sea ice loss?

We’ve all heard that the much-dreaded global warming is melting the polar ice caps, but is there actually a net loss of sea ice?

According to NOAA data presented on the web site of Bill Chapman of the Polar Research Group at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), the level of sea ice has reached about the same level as it was in 2003.

Check out the red line at the bottom of this graph.

The current change in global sea ice coverage is a positive 1 million square kilometers—a gain of 1.8 million square kilometers in the Southern Hemisphere netted against a loss of 800,000 square kilometers in the Northern Hemisphere.

Facts are fun! 

Also today, this article appeared out of nowhere:  “A cold spell soon to replace global warming” .  It’s about a Russian scientist who urges us to ‘stock up on fur coats’ to face upcoming GLOBAL COOLING.  Guess he’ll be off the leftists’ cocktail circuit for a while.  (He’ll get no “happy-tree festivus” cards from PETA next Christmas with that fur coat advisory either.) 

For more relief from the idiocy, columns by Steve Milloy (permanently banned from the cocktail circuit and the bane of all environuts and junk science purveyors’ existence) appear here at PTBC every Thursday (or Friday if either he or I are stuck in a snow storm). 

Joel Johannesen
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