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Rasmussen surveys the media won’t print today; and which Layton won’t raise in the House

The you’ve got to be kidding party’s Jack Layton has taken to aping Obama and straining credulity to explain, in and out of the House, how Canada and the world should so obviously be following every single move that his boy President Obama makes (even while he mocked PM Harper and Canada generally for doing anything similar in any way to anything the Americans ever did especially under the Bush administration); 
Jack Layton in three poses after reviewing Rasmussen data. 
  And he seems to flag every inane, banal statistic from the Huffington Post and the People’s Daily and Daily Kos purportedly showing the value of government “stimulus” spending (unmentioned: the requisite growing deficits and increasing taxes and inflation and higher interest rates as a result of the massive “stimulus” spending).  But I bet he won’t touch this (and nor will the media, which is coincidentally one of the main life support legs of you’ve got to be kidding party, barely keeping them alive):

•  51% Say Cut Everybody’s Taxes To Stimulate the Economy — Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans favor an across-the-board tax cut for all Americans to stimulate the U.S. economy, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Thirty-four percent (34%) oppose such a tax cut, and 15% are undecided.

•  53% Say More Government Spending Hurts the Economy — Most voters (53%) believe increases in government spending hurt the economy, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. … it’s up five points from 48% in January. Just 27% now say increased government spending helps the economy, and 10% say it has no impact.

•  Most Voters Say Health Insurance Should Not Be Mandatory (video) (and also shows most Americans still don’t know the truth about the so-called 43 million uninsured — Joel)

…Despite Obama and his Obamaspeak.  Huh.  Resilient bunch, the Americans.  Imagine if the media wasn’t in a slobbering love affair with Obama.


From: “Jean”
To: “”
Subject: from msn sympatico.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 10:00:00 -0700

Hi Joel,

Another poll result with which they will not be pleased.

I have to laugh at the wording of these questions.  Eg.:  ‘Should Ignatieff work to topple… ’  Work?  What will he do?  What does he do now except talk empty liberal-speak while waving his eyebrows at us and checking the polls.  Then there is the implication that the Conservatives have done something wrong: Oh yes, I forgot, they did not spend enough money on ‘stimulus’ and oh yes, I forgot, they are spending too much and getting us into debt.  Oh, for the glorious days of Liberal rule.

You have great stuff on your blog.


Question of the Day:
Should Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff work to topple Stephen Harper’s Conservative government over its handling of the economic downturn?

Yes, Harper must go – 23%
No, we need stability – 72%
Not sure – 5%
30,663 responses, not scientifically valid, results updated every minute

From: “”
To: “Jean”
Subject: Re: from msn sympatico.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 11:30:49 -0700

Given the clear, overwhelming poll result, I’d think their next poll should naturally be to ask if “Yes, Ignatieff ‘must go’”, on the simple and very credible basis that (as the vast majority agree, to wit their own poll) he’s causing extremely unwelcome political and therefore economic instability and distraction in a country that really doesn’t need any, at this time.  And because he’s showing himself to be an ideologically-driven political opportunist, stuffed full of arrogance and hypocrisy.  And because his own political expediency and personal career-building is apparently the best way he knows to help “handle the downturn in the economy”.

But they won’t ask that. 

Thanks Jean!


Joel Johannesen
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