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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Quebec: Nation of history-revisionists & deniers; Canada: Nation of P-C Quebec appeaser pussies

imageI’m not sure if those far-left extremist Quebec sovereigntist goons simply have their heads in the sand, and want everybody in Canada and The Nation Of Quebec to jam theirs down there as well; or if their heads aren’t actually just stuck right up their ample derrieres

Headline today:  “Plains of Abraham re-enactment cancelled”

Hilariously, in reporting the story, it seems to me the state-owned CBC reflexively rushes to appease the extremist sovereigntist Quebecer goons by reporting the reasons for cancellation as vaguely as possible.  They frame the reasons as “safety concerns”, without the more precise explanation about the particular nature of the “safety concerns”, which is in fact the violent verbal and email threats from sovereigntist Quebecer goons—terrorists in effect—who have threatened to cause violence and promised to organize Quebec mob protests if the historic re-enactment were to take place.  Protesters of the re-enactment include the usual cabal of socialists and nutbars and “artists” and women with hairy armpits and liberal-left Canadian history deniers, including of course those from the far-left, federally-funded Bloc Quebecois, and the Parti Quebecois. 

They’re OK with some wars, like wars against historic reality; just not the wars they lost.  And so by fiat, and by way of a federally-funded group of appeasers, they win the war on the history they don’t like and which doesn’t hurt their tender feelings. 

Great.  Go team. 

These Quebec goons apparently model their Nation Of Quebec on The Nation Of Yemen.

So once again Canada and its federally-funded institutions will bow down and appease nobody but the Nation Of Quebec, and kowtow to their idiotic little girl-like sensibilities, not hurt their feelings, and will help them re-write a history more to their liking. 

Apparently Canada continues to model itself after Canada. 

Joel Johannesen
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