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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Purple Hearts and Jersey Shore Tarts

The other night I accidentally stumbled onto the Jersey Shore “reality show.” If that mess reps “reality” for our young ‘uns then as a culture we are in really, really deep menudo.

For those of you who have been fortunate enough not to have had your senses desecrated by these senseless twentysomethings, take it from me that thou art truly blessed among men for knowing nada about these narcissists who are jacked up on silicone, steroids and hurricane-resistant hair products.

With their whacked weltanschauung, the immature idiots who comprise Jersey Shore’s cast are enough to make the most positive grandmas among us more pessimistic than Simon Cowell forced to watch Seacrest perform an interpretive dance to “Riders on the Storm” … the extended version.

The fact that America celebrates these humanoid natural disasters shows how gone we are as a nation. If Whitney is right and children are our future, and if this Jerseylicious cabal is the pace car for kiddos far and wide, then I’m officially changing my eschatology from postmillennialism to whatever Rob Zombie believes.

Reeling from what I saw on TV that night, I bowed my head and prayed a simple prayer of contrition and cleansing to Yahweh. It went something like this: “God, please forgive me. God, please make what I saw and heard from JWow and Snookie go away. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

No sooner did I utter that prayer and lift my penitent noggin than my Blackberry alerted me to a new email in my inbox. Since I’m getting old and can’t see a thing on my phone anymore, I put on my 10.5 power Walgreen specials and gave my phone a gander. Much to my delight I discovered a note alerting me to the fact that all hope for our youth is not, in fact, lost.

What was it that breathed life into my now Jersey Shore depleted soul? It was a heads-up that my friend, 23-year-old Purple Heart recipient and singer/songwriter, Josh Revak, was going to be on [the Fox News Channel show] Huckabee this Memorial Day weekend to do what he does best—namely, unleashing his vocal chords in killer patriotic tunes about how great our God, our soldiers and our founding principles are.

Yep, Revak represents not only an audible delight compared to the nasally screech the Jersey Shore slop emit, but he also blesses the listener (at least the ones who still love this nation) with memorable music praising our troops for their sacrificial service that keeps our liberty bell ringing.

Let me formally introduce you to señor Josh from his recent press release:

  Army Veteran Josh Revak has made honoring his fallen comrades a mission of remembrance and restoration. This weekend he will be featured as a guest on the Huckabee show performing “Sandcastles” co-written with fallen comrade Aaron Jagger. He performs the song on the guitar that belonged to Jagger while he served.

  Devastated at the loss of his roommate and the deaths of two close comrades during his first tour of duty in Iraq, Revak decided to mourn through music. He began writing in 2003 with a song called “Alaska,” which he performed at a memorial service for a fallen comrade, and he has been sharing solace through song ever since.

  “I wrote all of this music as a way to honor my friends who have been killed, and it also helped me combat PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as well,” Revak says. “And even though I am not in active duty right now, it is more important than ever that I keep singing and sharing the stories of these fallen heroes.”

Revak’s music and album can be found at with 100% of sales being donated to one of my favorite organizations: the Shane Wood’s Purple Heart Hunts, which provides Alaskan brown and black bear hunts for purple heart recipients wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq. Shane was a beloved son, an awesome Christian, a big game hunter and an remarkable soldier who was killed in Ramadi by an IED on August 9th, 2006. His father, Wayne, an Alaskan outfitter, established this amazing service for our wounded soldiers in 2007 in honor of his son and in service of all our nation’s sacrificial sons.

Thank God for high quality dudes like Revak. I know when I see young men like him, rare as they are, I breathe a sigh of relief that maybe, just maybe, our nation will be okay.

Who knows, perhaps the reality show mooks will couple the poor, lost and selfish Jersey Shore schleps with a Revak someday and truly give our goofy twentysomethings a solid dose of reality …

You can check out Josh and his music this Sunday at 8 pm on Huckabee.

You can donate to the Shane Woods Purple Heart Hunts on

For hunters looking for a great Alaskan hunt, check out

Doug Giles

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