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PTBC’s Liberal Moonbat Of The Week Award - Feb. 13 2007

The awesome legendary zoologist(?) and certainly political scientist, The Prophet David W. Suzuki, this week’s big winner. 

PTBC's Liberal Moonbat Of The Week Award - Feb. 13 2007

Mmmthanks, no speeches allowed here, Prophet, so put those 80 pages of liberal-left talking points away.  We’ve already heard more than enough. 

The prize could, as is often the case, be shared with the liberals’ liberalvision media division for “reporting” this “news” as if it is a “news” story, on their “news” web site, and in this case what makes it even stranger is that it’s in their “Sci-Tech News” section rather than their non-existent agenda-driving “Liberal-Left Propaganda” section. 

Here’s the winning quote: 

“When you hear what politicians talk about in elections, it’s all about a 1 per cent reduction in GST. I’ve never heard a Canadian say we’ve got to reduce the GST so there seems to be a disconnect between what politicians are all talking about and the public,” Suzuki explained to Canada AM.

Well then.  That just goes to show you what a totally narrow-casting, out of touch, provincial, obsessed, blinkered ignoramus he is. 

Thank you.

(Hat tip to Hedplug for the “news” article.)

Joel Johannesen
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