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PTBC’s columnist catch-up for Saturday Feb 10 2007

Mark AlexanderI occasionally post Mark Alexander’s column from his site here as a Guest Columnist.  Today he touches on what we often refer to here at PTBC as the “useful idiots”, which the liberal-leftist media in Canada (under the auspices of their liberal-left political masters) have deftly nurtured as we conservatives slept.  Today Mr. Alexander hits the target on the bulls eye in a column he calls “Memo to the American Media” (you can easily replace “American” with “Canadian” of course).

Here’s a snippet:

…The fact is that much of what is reported in the American media reflects not only the propaganda machines of the Left, but also that of our Jihadi adversaries. Too often the content from those machines is indistinguishable.

Two weeks ago, this column took to task a mainstream-media organ (Newsweek) for its cover story on Iraq entitled, “We’re losing.” There was nothing particularly extraordinary about the Newsweek piece except that it typified the Leftmedia’s relentless and traitorous efforts to undermine America’s will and national resolve to defeat a dangerous enemy.

Indeed, Islamist leaders must be thrilled by the support they receive from American media Leftists—those sympathizers whom V.I. Lenin once famously dubbed “Useful Idiots.” …

Salim Mansur Salim Mansur, one of my favorite writers and easily one of Canada’s best writers—and doubtlessly one of the foremost writers in Canada on politics and matters Islamist terrorism, wrote today in a like-minded piece called “U.S. can’t learn from Vietnam”: 

…Marshall McLuhan, Canada’s most celebrated teacher and public intellectual of the last half-century, described best the nature of knowledge and learning in the television age as the “medium is the message.”

The media being the message cast the lesson of America’s involvement and withdrawal from Vietnam as folly and defeat.

This media is a closed loop, somewhat akin to a snake feeding and fattening on its tail. Its consensus is what it has fed itself…

The first drafts of this history—of America’s war in Vietnam—were presented by writers who reported on it for the media, and their words shaped the narrative that became fixed in our minds.

Another institution from whence the abysmal anti-American, self-loathing anti-war crowd garners their education is of course the overtly liberal-left academia itself—and “journalists” ostensibly learned their craft at its various churches.  Thus we’re lucky to have the decidedly conservative and brilliant Dr. Mike Adams (the professor I always wish I had) on the PTBC bandwagon. 

Dr. Mike AdamsProlific columnist Mike finds more woe in academia to inform us about today, and I’m not trying to play “six degrees of separation”, but lo and behold the first paragraph contains the word Vietnam.  It’s on a different matter though.  It begins:

Lately, I’ve been feeling very uncomfortable as a conservative professor on a college campus. Maybe it’s all those long hours I’m putting into writing to help pay for the child my wife and I are adopting from Vietnam. UNC-Wilmington’s health plan only gives us money if we want to abort a child but nothing if we chose to adopt….

Sheila_Wray_Gregoire And to round things out a little, our Sheila Wray Gregoire hits the right notes (as usual) with her piece on Valentine’s Day and how men get the shaft (contrary to what you think is the only thing they’d like to give to their gals for the big V-Day). You know it’s trouble because it begins:

I mentioned to a friend that for a change I was considering writing about Valentine’s Day from a man’s point of view. Instead of focusing on what we women want, I would write a column about what men want. She snickered and asked, “how many words do you have to write again?”. “Seven hundred,” I answered. “What are you going to say for the other 699?”

We females tend to believe men are a little bit like dogs; they’re just not that complicated. Give them some affection and they’ll be perfectly content. In fact, that’s why they spend their lives following us around with their tongues hanging out. They’re begging us to give them what they most want, and no matter how many times we rebuff them, they never give up trying.

Of course don’t miss our Steve Milloy’s latest man-made global warming debunking piece, and Ann Coulter’s latest liberal affection note.

Steve Milloy Ann_Coulter

Joel Johannesen
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