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PTBC email of the day - Jan 20, 2007

It’s not even noon here and already I can sense this is the email of the day.

It begins “Dear Sirs”.  I always love it when they begin with the polite and propitious-sounding “Dear Sirs”, and then proceed to talk crap to you. 

From: Don S[…] (greenmanprod@[…])
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: Proud to be Canadian??????

Dear Sirs

Why is a web site that is called, “Proud to be Canadian,” so openly anti-Canadian? Many of your proud “Canadians” are actually American news personalities. If Ann Coulter were actually a Canadian, she would probably be charged with treason. Here is one example of Ms. Coulter’s feelings about Canada. “{Canadians} better hope the United States doesn’t roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.”

Yours sincerely,
A REAL proud Canadian.

Dear Don,

Before you take a dump in your trousers over one of the 87 billion laugh-lines that Ann Coulter has said in her career, you might want to grab a sense of humor, Bucky McGreen.  Ann Coulter, one of the best-selling authors of the past dozen years, makes a living using the twinkle in her eye and her sense of humor.  And she loves our web site.

And many of our columnists are Americans you say?  Genius!  Damn, mate, I had no freaking clue that many of our columnists were American.  Sh*t thanks. All these years I’ve never heard anyone tell us that! 

And your assertion that our web site is anti-Canadian is simply risible. Liberals hate Canada.  Conservatives in general think it was set up just fine.

Have a great day!

Joel Johannesen
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