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PTBC columnist Ann Coulter’s latest now posted

image I always like to remind folks to read Ann Coulter’s column even though moments after it’s posted, our site’s hits go through the roof.  It’s been that way for over three years now. 

I love that conservative thoughts get to be exposed here for all the world to see, unchecked by liberals and their mindless refutations and obfuscations.  Of course it drives liberals batty. I love that too.  It’s why the liberals find the internet so pernicious. 

I enjoy the email our Ann Coulter columns generates—more than all our other columnists—and each one written as though the writer thinks he or she is the first one to come up with the jejune remarks, like:

· “Gee I never knew Anne [always spell her name wrong owing to public school education] Coulter was a Canadaian!!!!!!!!!” [always use 8 or more exclamation marks like a child]

· “Did’nt you no your site was called Prowd to be a Canadian

[always get the name wrong]


· “Holy crap you have her on your web syte?  dint you know she said bad things about canada once?”

· “neocon!”

and of course,

· “SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be ashamed of yourselfes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should leave canada and live in texes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So be sure to read our columnists’ columns!  Thanks! 

Oh and here’s an actual email from this week (this one contains no “c” words or references to how she looks):

From: Simon _____
Date: Monday, February 12, 2007 1:56 PM
To: [ProudToBeCanadian]
Subject: interesting…

I find it interesting that you would put Ann Coulter’s columnist link on the front page of your site.

In case you are unaware, Ann has said some pretty outrageous things about Canada when she was on Fox news last year.

Comments like “Canada should just be happy that we allow them to be on the same continent as the United States” and how it is a haven for communist and left wing agenda’s.


But I draw the line when she blatantly attacks all Canadians for simply existing.

I don’t think she should be profiled on your site, ironically a site that is so proud of being what she has publically denounced.

Just my thoughts.


Simon is a liberal.  Liberals never get the joke.

Joel Johannesen
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