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PTBC Butthead of the Week Award

Yet another unelected appointed-for-life Liberal Senator (one of the self-important folks holding Canada’s budget and Senate reform hostage at this time) is being nothing but a pain in the arse, by which I mean he’s acting like a hemorrhoid, or to put it another way, he’s a liberal Senator. 

Here’s the poop:  Senators from both sides of the Senate are, um, piling on, because Liberal Senator Raymond Lavigne hasn’t had his butt in his Senate seat lately as a result of a hemorrhoid problem he claims to have.  (Possible new Senate Committee discussion suggestion: discuss installing comfy toilet seats atop each Senate seat to increase Senate comfyness and thus participation among Liberal Senators—added benefit of appropriate symbolism—could afix that ubiquitous Benevolent Canadian liberal government sponsorship and giant state teat program logo to each one). 

He’s no asset to Canada but nor to the Liberals

no poop.  This was the Senator whose butt was kicked out of the Liberal caucus a year ago when it was alleged he misused taxpayer funds for his personal use.    It is said that he helped himself to $23,000 of your cash for work on his big-ass estate, in addition to having his executive assistant (why do Senators need an executive assistant?) help him chop trees down on his estate (very “green” huh, Green Guru?)  More like poo brown

The Liberal-dominated (which is to say stacked from top to, um, bottom) Senate has thus hired a doctor to check whether Lavigne actually did have the hemorrhoid surgery that he said he did, or he’s just being a lazyass.  The Senator thus protest loudly, claiming that it’s the law who is the ass. 

image Members of the lower House hold a similar opinion of him.  But the not at all prized Quote of the Week Award prize goes to Alberta MP Myron Thompson (Conservative): 

“Senators seem to sit a lot and this guy is having a problem sitting so . . . whatever it is will come out in the end.”



Years ago, Liberal Senator Andy Thompson, ass, was caught living off the Canadian taxpayer’s ass as he thought he was entitled to do as a Liberal, in… Mexico!  (Canada sux donchaknow).  He claimed he was “sick”.  While “sick”, he was being paid a full salary.  $123,000 plus a butt-load of extra goodies. 

Vote liberal.

CTV reports.

Joel Johannesen
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