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Prime Minister makes so-called statement

The state-run CBC may or may not cover this statement sent out to all media just moments ago by the Prime Minister of Canada’s office.  It depends on whether or not CBC chooses to bump their news informing us about Bush being a capitalist warmonger and member of the extreme religious evangelical conservative right

But please please please remember people I implore you:  Just for your own amusement do as the CBC does and clearly want you to do, and stick the words “so-called” in front of every instance of “terror”, “terrorist” “terrorists”, and “terrorism” in the following statement.  For logical consistency, also place the words “so-called” in front of every instance of the word “victims” or any other allusion to those who so-called lost their lives. 

Prime Minister Harper issues statement on National Day to Remember the Victims of Terrorism

June 23, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement to mark the National Day to Remember the Victims of Terrorism:

“On this day, we pause to remember those whose lives were cruelly and needlessly lost to acts of terror, both here in Canada and around the world.

“As incidents such as the bombing of Air India Flight 182 have shown, Canada is not immune from the deadly consequences of terrorism. In our country, just as in other nations around the world, there have been those who have tried to take advantage of the freedoms offered by a democratic society to promote an agenda of intolerance and hatred. This problem continues today and we must, as a nation, do everything in our power to prevent them from succeeding.

“Towards this end, Canada is participating in international efforts to combat terrorism on a global scale. The brave men and women of Canada’s Armed Forces who currently serve in Afghanistan are a testament to our commitment to work with our allies to defeat the scourge of terrorism and to rebuild that shattered nation.

“We are also continuing to strengthen our capacity to deal with possible terrorist threats within our own borders, while devoting more resources to stopping terrorists before they strike.

“Our Government is committed to doing everything within its power to protect the lives and property of its citizens and to defend the tolerant, generous and open society that has made us the best country in the world in which to live.”

Joel Johannesen
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