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Potential new photos for Liberal/Ignatieff election campaign (or for Conservatives!)

I found the perfect election campaign poster shot for Michael Ignatieff and his Liberal Party progressives:

screen capture from CTV News Channel

Hey look Martha, Michael Ignatieff ain’t no “elitist” —he’s juss like us!  He’s wearin’ a hard hat! 

Never mind that for Mr. Progressive (Iggy) W. Elite, that hard hat fits him about as well as an O.J. Simpson courtroom stunt glove inasmuch as it’s clearly about four sizes too small, and nobody bothered to notice (or bothered to tell him?) what a twit it makes him look like, as it sits there barely perched atop his noggin. 

In the political context it’s reminiscent of the likewise very progressive Democrat Michael Dukakis, pictured wearing a U.S. Army helmet which was oversized for his pea-sized head.  It bobbled around atop his noggin, making him look like a bobble head, circa campaign 1988, as he drove around at a General Dynamics plant in Michigan for a photo op in an M1 Abrams tank, which he knew utterly nothing about —except that he clearly hated them, and we all knew it.  It backfired.  Not the tank —the stupidly insulting photo opSame here.

Here, the fearless Liberal leader was on another carbon burning pollution bus tour, having learned absolutely nothing from his first one.  This time, he is trying to drum up support exactly the same as he was the first time, expecting different results (see below for a clue as to the possible results re his new bus tour!) 

Please note that burning fossil fuels uselessly, and spewing untold tons of carbon, is A-OK with the progressive left, as long as it’s to get them elected.  Once again, A-OK, if it helps them and their agenda personally

And as only a conflicted, compassless progressive could do, on some good questioning from CTV anchor Dan Matheson, even while Iggy was visiting a carpenters’ union training facility in Woodridge Ontario where they train carpenters to work for various manufacturing corporations, Ignatieff decried the Conservatives idea of job-building tax cuts for corporations.  Honestly.  “That’s not a credible way to get our deficit down!” he said, as currently unemployed carpenters looked on, praying that corporations will find an economic justification to hire them. 

Ah…. good times.

I thought this next picture would work for their nifty techno web site needs, since it moves.  I like it because almost every time any reporter ever asks Iggy a question, Iggy seems to me to squeeze out what I see as this robotic, arrogant smile, in which he seems to me to think that the question coming his way is somehow beneath him, the question is silly and oh so easy to answer, and his vast superiority on every matter is itching to be displayed if only the questioner would shut up already.  And then he loses the smile instantly as he begins his phony, boring, progressive-speak

I think I got the “squeeze-a-smile” action down.

The narrative Ignatieff is trying to have emerge from this ridiculous exercise is patently ridiculous on its face.  He decries deficits, suddenly, even while at the exact same time demanding government spending on every single thing under the sun, including training workers (which he apparently sees as a core function of government, based on the notion that Canadians are incapable of training themselves).  And the notion that “this guy” Stephen Harper has mismanaged the economy and can’t do anything right. 

The fact that Canadians completely, utterly disagree, goes right over that barely balancing head gear he’s wearing.

Canadians are choosing the Conservatives as the political party best suited to manage the economy and country’s finances, the results of a poll released Wednesday indicate. In a nationwide survey conducted by Ipsos Reid for Postmedia News and Global Television, 40 per cent of Canadians said the Tories are the best choice to manage the economy, compared to 28 per cent for the Liberals; and 40 per cent also said the Tories can best manage the finances, compared to 29 per cent who chose the Liberals. The NDP was at 18 per cent on both those questions. The online survey of 1,046 Canadians considered accurate within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Ottawa Citizen

And more:

The Conservatives were also favoured ahead of all the other parties to find the right balance between taxation and providing government services, the poll found. The Conservatives led the pack with 35%, followed by the Liberals at 28%, the NDPat 23% and the Bloc Quebecois and Green party each at seven per cent.

National Post

And more:

The Conservatives were the first choice of 31% of Canadians who were asked which party would best ensure the sustainability of the health-care system. Twenty-eight per cent said the NDP, while 25% said the Liberal party. The Bloc garnered nine per cent support while the Greens had the backing of seven per cent of those questioned.

National Post

And what’s more:

Iggy’s call for money falls flat
By Brian Lilley, Parliamentary Bureau


Joel Johannesen
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