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Poll at liberalvision says Harper Conservatives are at DOUBLE the support of Dion Liberals

I alluded to this latest liberalvision/Globe & Mail poll yesterday which was, as usual, conducted by their polling firm called something like the Council for Liberal-Left Vote-Getting Strategery and Compassless Surrenderism, and showed you a screen which presented the Liberals as losing to the Conservatives on the ecomonics front.  We already know from other polls that the Conservatives are also favored on the environut front.

But I find this graphic presented today on liberalvision’s web site as funny.  Notice they don’t allude to the parties?  It’s almost as though they can’t find it within themselves to tell us the party names, now that the Conservatives have literally DOUBLED Liberals in Canadian choice in terms of leadership. 

The Conservative Party leader is the guy on the left!
The failing Liberal Party leader is the guy on the right!

Here’s more:

Latest poll shows Dion, Liberals losing support

Updated Tue. Feb. 20 2007 8:59 AM ET News Staff

Meanwhile, when asked which party leader had the clearest vision of where he wants to take the country, Harper showed a significant lead over his rivals (percentage-point change from a Dec. 3-4 poll in brackets):

Stephen Harper: 50 per cent (+ 18)
Stephane Dion: 22 per cent (- 16 from when Paul Martin was leader)
Jack Layton: 20 per cent (+ 1)
Gilles Duceppe: 8 per cent (- 4)

More than half of respondents also felt that Harper is the most decisive of the party leaders.

Harper: 53 per cent
Dion: 19 per cent
Layton: 20 per cent
Duceppe: 8 per cent

Dion also lost out on charisma, which he himself defended shortly after becoming leader of his party.

“I would not have been able to win this race if I had not been able to connect with Canadians … I have a capacity to communicate with passion and with reason,” he said last December.

But respondents seem to have felt otherwise in the poll. Here are the results when voters were asked who was the most charismatic (percentage-point change from a Dec. 3-4 poll in brackets):

Harper: 35 per cent (+ 18)
Dion: 20 per cent (- 9 from when Martin was leader)
Layton: 36 per cent (- 2)
Duceppe: 10 per cent (- 4)

Joel Johannesen
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