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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Planned Parenthood kills pro-lifers—as a joke

pro-lifers being killed -- what hilarity!

New York Daily News columnist and blogger Dawn Eden of “The Dawn Patrol” writes an excellent review of a disgusting, cynical, hypocritical cartoon video being distributed by abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood in which, among other things, they kill peaceful, innocent, pro-life advocates by blowing them up with a terrorist-style rocket-launcher that launches exploding condoms (no hate speech there!); and which teaches the kids that the Rev. Jerry Falwell is a “schmuck” (no hate speech there!);  then a U.S. Senator is saved by the flick’s superhero abortionist (a black woman!) and the Senator then reports that “I feel cleansed. I no longer have the stench of misinformed conservatism” (no hate speech there!);  in the closing credits, rather subliminally (but another blogger, “Saint Kansas”, slow-mo’d it and made a frame-by-frame graphic), a pro-life advocate is decapitated by a condom (no hate speech there!). 

One can only imagine what would happen if a conservative group—us, say—made a joke or a cartoon about slaughtering Canadian gay-rights advocates or, say, black women.  Chill, baby—it’s just a cartoon!  Apparently to liberals, killing people is OK—funny even—as long as it’s conservatives who are being killed.  That’s how liberals think!

All this thanks in large part to government funding in the U.S.; and yes of course here in Canada, the government funds Planned Parenthood just as it funds just about everything to promote liberalism.  The liberal-left pro-abortion Canadian government supplies Planned Parenthood and its anti-conservative, liberal-left advocacy with more than half of its funding, according to the latest report on their pro-abortion web site.  Among its private sponsors is a group advocating world government—a group led in part by a former Liberal Party cabinet minister.

Here’s the link to Dawn Eden’s blog entry. also has a review here.

View the horror show from the Planned Parenthood abortionists’ site—but remember to put your “funny” hat on first!

Joel Johannesen
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