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(Part 3) Canada’s liberal media proves (again): it’s biased in favour of and obsessed with…


In my latest and probably final report on in my American presidential election series about how Canada’s liberal media is so liberal they don’t even know how liberal they are anymore. and how totally obsessed —perhaps instinctively or perhaps simply more purposefully, blithely driving their liberal-left agenda— here are some examples of how they covered yesterday’s New Hampshire primaries in today’s papers (and online in some cases). 

For other examples of the same kind of coverage, review my previous reports [here (after Iowa) | here (before New Hampshire)].  Together they could form an excellent graphical addition to a book about the abject liberal media bias in Canada.  Of course we don’t need a book, as everybody who has an ounce of honesty would admit.  And that “ounce of honesty” (or more to the point, the lack thereof) is precisely why no media would admit to it, nor will they write books including my pictures.

Both the Montreal Gazette and the Saskatoon Star Phoenix deployed their amazing creativity assets in regurgitating “the good old liberal days” —the old ♥ Bill Clinton ♥ “Comeback Kid” moniker.
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(Interestingly, the Edmonton Journal properly, shockingly, called both McCain and Clinton “comeback kids”!)

The liberals’ Globe and Mail joined them in liberal/creativity heaven, and once again failed to surprise us (and by the way, the giant picture in the their online story on the right is of… Obama):
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The state-run CBC deployed all manner of taxpayer resources to spin the news in order to imprint liberals in your mind and help you forget that there are any Republicans in the race.  Not only hideous coverage on-air (see my | reports) but online as well, using “their” web assets for articles, commentary, video and more —all graphically, blatantly pushing and drawing attention to Democrats, as you can see here unless you’re blind and stupid:
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From The Nation of Quebec, it was all about L’Obama et Le Clinton, seulement:
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The National Post hearts ♥ Hillary ♥  and ♥ Obama ♥ , as I’ve demonstrated time and time again.  So they’re about as sure to include a picture of, say, John McCain, as I am to ignore their abject bias.  This is online, and on their front cover in print:
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While some media may feature pictures of both the Democrat and the Republican, when they do, they inevitably focus on Democrats in their headlines and editorial copy, and Vancouver’s The Province did this morning;  And the Ottawa Citizen practically admits it couldn’t care less about Republicans—in stating as much: that the race involves only Democrats, and not Republicans, as the headline reads!:
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The leftists’ Toronto Star unwittingly betrays the classic Canadian liberal media bias move:  Ignoring John McCain’s meteoric comeback, they describe Clinton’s win as “storming” back; while in other publications, it was said that John McCain was “raised from the dead” (see right below these Toronto Star pictures).  No difference! 
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The Montreal Gazette claims the old geezer Republican John McCain
was raised from his old Republican geezer grave.

Far from “Back from the Dead”, the Calgary Herald reaches out to Hillary just as their picture appears to reach out to you for a great big group hug amongst all you gals.

The Victoria Times Colonist deployed that old media trick from colonial days, wherein to graphically explain their feeling on the matter, they dig up a photo of folks in great happiness and celebration and joy to accompany the story.  The Vancouver Sun’s front page was adored with a joyous ♥ Hillary ♥ and a story all about her, relegating a few paltry notes about Republican John McCain’s win to page 7. 
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(I guarantee you that if the Vancouver Sun could do it all over again, they wouldn’t have accidentally placed a story on raising gas taxes (again) in order to stave off “man made global warming” right next to the picture and story about ♥ Hillary ♥ on their front page!)

Outside of Canada:

Britain’s The Independent…. wasn’t.  They literally depict a photo in which they’re following him… and the light… (—or is it Him?)!  And the The Times chose a rather unfortunate—and ironic because it couldn’t be more incongruous—headline below the fold…
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Joel Johannesen
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