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Out out, damn Harper!

Mr. Hockey Dad is a regular conundrum, he is.

Or, alternatively, the Conservative Party under the very successful leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is way up in the polls, and the liberal media is getting apoplectic.  I think it’s the latter.

Therefore, the liberal media must come up with this pure, unadulterated nonsense in our weekend newspapers (no Trudeau having made any news in over a week):

Harper ‘mystery’ still a handicap

Most Canadians say they don’t feel they know him any better as a person, poll results show

Norma Greenaway, CanWest News Service
Published: Saturday, March 10, 2007

OTTAWA—Stephen Harper, we hardly know ye.

A new Ipsos Reid survey conducted for CanWest/Global Television

[we also know these people as: “the liberal media”]

says that after more than a year in power, 65 per cent of Canadians say they do not feel they know Harper better as a person than when he became prime minister.

I could hardly read “ye” article without thine laughter from mine’s copious belly emanating from within thee.  (In the Ottawa Citizen version of this story, they replaced “ye” with “you”.)  But wait for it…. here comes the month’s most bloated, strident, asinine, over-used cliche and malapropism in all the nation’s liberal media:

“He is a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle,” is how Darrell Bricker, president of the polling firm, portrayed Canadians’ view of Harper. (The quote is a variant of how Winston Churchill famously described Russia in 1939. )

Oh my.

“He is a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle.”

Ye humble servant wonders aloud:  Did they consider doing a poll asking if anyone understood what the heck Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion just said, at any time he has ever said anything in ye Queen’s “English”?

And by the way if Harper is such a “mystery wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle,” what does that make Dion?  A Green Guru wrapped inside a croissant, wrapped in a joke?

And Chretien:  something wrapped inside a crouton?  And Bare-Ass Bob Rae… a wiener wrapped in a bun? You can have fun with this.  Funnier yet is that these liberal folks were serious!

But honestly: how could Harper be the one nobody understands, when nobody understands what Dion just said?  We can just stop there.

And really:  how can no one understand Harper when he is the most normal guy around?  He may be the only one in Ottawa we can all actually understand, in actual fact.  Taking his kids to school… and hockey practice… his wife tootles around on a motorcycle and helmet… he takes his family to church on Sunday… he likes cats.  What a freaking mystery!  Inside an enigma!  Wrapped in a riddle!

Ahhh….. good times.

And then of course they have to bring up this old canard again (this is just too good, folks!):

Bricker traced doubts about Harper to his inability so far to erase questions about whether he is being upfront about his agenda for the country.

“With Harper, the not knowing him always leads people into the impression that he may have a hidden agenda,” Bricker said.

[There it is!—Now have a smoke, Bricker!]

“He hasn’t been able to fill in those blanks. And because he hasn’t filled it in, the lingering impression is that he has some sort of hidden agenda.”

[Oooh!  A multiple!]

Perhaps the brilliant professional pollster from Decima research forgot the poll conducted in November 2005 by the liberal media’s Council of Liberal-Left Strategery and Vote-Getting Pop-Surveys (or whatever it’s called), in which they were forced to admit that through their scientific polling means, despite the Liberals and their accomplices in the media and their media-friendly ad firms and all that incessant propaganda, it is the LIBERALS who have the hidden agenda, according to Canadians.  The Strategic Counsel poll, reported on the front page of the liberals’ Globe & Mail on November 29 2005, found that more Canadians believe the LIBERALS have a “hidden agenda” than the Conservatives (33%-25%).  (See my blog entry)

Liberals, Conservatives, whatever… as the Bard wrote, “What’s in a name?”

I’ll tell you what:  “Double, double toil and trouble”!  That’s what.

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”
—Sir Winston Churchill—in the liberal media’s case, they intend to re-write it.

Ye pollster and liberal media is a thing of some deception, methinks.  Perhaps they should recall the line, “This above all: to thine ownself be true.”  Oh but then the Conservatives would get that damn majority.

The liberal media really is pathologically biased against conservatives—what we’re learning with increasing ease is only that they’re slowly giving up any pretence of hiding that liberal-left media agenda.

“Something is rotten in the state of”, um, Canada, ye all.

Joel Johannesen
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