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Ottawa Citizen calls our heroic troops fighting for our country in Afghanistan “trigger-pullers”


From: John E
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 9:34 AM
To: itsaquestion
Subject: Lest we forget…

…and so soon after Remembrance Day!

Hey Joel!

Just thought I would draw your attention to this ridiculously worded article in today’s Citizen (which I still, like an imbecile, continue to read daily):

While the bulk of the article is about recruitment, the first paragraph struck a nerve.

Two mere days removed from Remembrance Day and our solders (and I guess this applies to vets too) are nothing more than “trigger pullers”.  WTF?  Are you kidding me with this insulting wording? 

Left me speechless, except to say a big “Thank you” to all those “trigger pullers” from our past and present who have made (and continue make) the ultimate sacrifice, for dopes like this.


John E
Ashton, ON

What an snotty, elitist, dismissive, irreverent, insulting-to-our-heroic-troops, outright abomination; and what a classic example of what passes for journalism today in our liberal-leftist lame-stream media. 

If I were the boss at Canwest News Service, I’d fire Matthew Fisher of Canwest News Service.  And if I were the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, I would also take a good look at who ever is editing that thing.

Thanks John,


From: Malcolm
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 3:57 AM
Subject: Trigger puller insult

You are right that this could be considered an insult, but I don’t think it was intended that way coming from Matthew Fisher.  He is one of the few Canadian journalists with balls.  He has spent a lot of time as a journalist in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I suspect he was using the soldiers word to describe themselves in his story.  I think that from many people it would be an insult, but not from Fisher.

Love you blog, I read it every day.

Thanks for that perspective Malcolm.  But an astute editor should have realized that no matter how it “should” be read and might be by people who might be familiar with the work of one of their reporters (and how many of those people are there?), it will be read badly by most normal people.  Journalistically speaking, you don’t use the term “trigger-pullers” in a news story describing our exquisite — and this is important especially for the edification of their liberal audience — multi-role soldiers —or at least you don’t in a serious news journal.  You do that in a blog.  Probably a liberal, anti-soldier blog.

Thanks again Malcolm,


From: Marlilyn
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: Trigger Pullers!

Just a quick reminder to Mr. Fisher of the Ottawa Whatever, – That would be Mr. or Ms. TRIGGER PULLER to you, ya Dumbass.  Treat these people with respect.  They are covering your sorry butt.

I am again vindicated in my decision to forbid newspapers in my home.  I don’t need you saps and your misinformed attitudes under my roof.

Way to PUSH BACK, Marlilyn!


Joel Johannesen
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