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Ontario to distribute Gore’s film to schools

Apparently nobody in Canada’s liberal media knows that the Tides Foundation which is funding this agitprop distribution in Canadian schools, is a group funded by one of the most ardently left-wing political interest group leaders in the United States, the far-leftist and rabidly anti-Bush activist George Soros—a billionaire money-trader.  Or worse, they do know, and they’ve chosen to hide that from you.  I suspect the latter.

Soros is the one who finances the Democratic Party’s most left-wing candidates, and the far-left anti-conservative political web site, and so much more. In 1999, the president of China banned Soros from doing business in his country.  In 2002, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France and fined $2.3 million. 

The Gore film has already been distributed in BC schools.  But school officials and the far leftist (some say Marxist) teachers union claim it’s not political.  It’s for the kids.  Wink.

I’ve written about this two times now, starting in April:

I included this pretty chart:


chart by Fox news Channel's O'Reilly Factor

Ontario to distribute Gore’s film to schools

Mike De Souza And Melissa Leong,
CanWest News Service; National Post
Published: Thursday, June 28, 2007

OTTAWA – Ontario will be distributing hundreds of donated copies of Al Gore’s controversial documentary on climate change to public schools across the province.

But Kathleen Wynne, Ontario’s Minister of Education, said the government’s actions are not an endorsement of the film, An Inconvenient Truth.

“It’s just a resource that will be available. The teachers can choose to use it or not,” she said of the gift from the Tides Canada Foundation.

But whatever.

Apparently, the church of liberalism and far-left liberal politics is now the official government sanctioned and enforced religion and political thought in this country.  Conservatism is basically being outlawed, marginalized, squeezed out.  This has worked in other countries. 

That’s because conservatives sit there and let this happen.  For example, only one person has sent even 10 cents to support this web site in over three months. And it has cost me inestimable gobs of money to run it and utterly ridiculous chunks of time. 


Joel Johannesen
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