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OK now tell the story I just told you to the person in front of you…

… and then we’ll see how the story ends up.  Then it’s time for recess and nappies!

Remember my blog entry yesterday about how the media became obsessed with the colossal news that Stephen Harper had a chest cold/asthma attack?  Yes it’s true! 

Briefly, this story, which is being hyped by the media because they don’t want to focus on the reality of Team Harper/Conservative transitioning into power in the most ethical imaginable way (compared to Team Martin/Liberal), was reported in 187 news stories.  Stephen Harper had visited a local area hospital on Thursday night for one hour and got a prescription for antibiotics. 

Yeehaw.  Woopdeedoo.  End of story.  (Except for the CBC, which had to embark on an investigation of the fact that one day long ago he was caught on CBC tape saying that he’d largely grown out of being asthmatic, while on another day saying he was in fact an asthma sufferer.  Clearly he’s a scary Nazi and a liar liar pants on fire and must be impeached, duh, like I had to tell ya.) 

Here’s how Associated Press reports the quick nip into the hospital for a quick check and a prescription, in Yahoo News Pictures:

AP Photo/CP, Fred Chartrand

AP – Fri Jan 27, 6:35 PM ET Canadian Prime Minister designate Stephen Harper returned to work on Parliament Hill, on Friday Jan. 27, 2006, in Ottawa, Canada. Harper spent the night in a hospital for an asthma attack. (AP Photo/CP, Fred Chartrand)

By next week, if the media can’t get over its funk, the story will be that Stephen Harper will have had arterial sclerosis and will have spent the past two months in a private hospital for a cardiac ganglion—which, it will be discovered, is the very same thing that American VP Dick Cheney has.  Coincidence?  They will think not. 

By the way, interestingly, Agence France-Presse, apparently closer to the beginning of the tell the story to the guy in front of you chain, reports thusly with their news photo:

Prime Minister-elect Stephen Harper, speaks at a press conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, 26 January 2006. Harper, whose Conservative Party won Canada’s national election this week, was in the hospital briefly after experiencing discomfort in his lungs, his spokesman said.

Joel Johannesen
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