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Obama in Ghana: No crowds greeting him like they greeted that W-H-I-T-E guy, George Bush, last year.

The Canadian branch plant of the American liberal media is making me laugh again today.  For liberals, history starts when they want or need it to start, and it goes the way they prefer it to go, for your benefit and edification, of course. 

The American (and, therefore, their Canadian media branch plants) are falling over themselves to explain a number of things about the Obama visit to Ghana.  (1) Hardly anybody in Ghana has shown up to greet him, as some news outlets sheepishly acknowledge (wrapped in excuse-making claptrap), despite the media’s mouth-watered predictions of massive crowds busting over barricades to greet their man; (2) It’s oh so historic in so many ways because despite being “post racial” and it never being “about race”, ever, Obama is B-L-A-C-K (and remember, he’s not half-black/half-white), and moreover, he visited the place where slaves were traded;  (3) Ignore the fact that George W. Bush visited there last year and the Ghanaians did such things as name streets after him —after thousands of screaming adoring fans lined streets and busted through barricades to lovingly greet him as he was say on the way from place to place including the place where slaves were traded, such as described in this rare piece from last year which few news outlets carried: 


To liberals, Obama’s popularity is the most important thing in the whole wide world.  Therefore, you have noticed a paucity of news video of adoring crowds greeting Obama.  It’s noticeable by its absence.  And it’s much as the news media failed to play the video of Bush’s visit, but for completely different reasons.  Bush was greeted by throngs of fans, pushing barricades down to get near him.  Associated Press let the Obama lack-of-popularity secret out over the weekend, and so the weekend chore for news media editors was to clean it up:


So they go into overdrive making excuses and making it all sound better. 

CTV seems to simply trumpet (with a special, inexplicable—wink!—mid-article BOLDED sentence) deception, re-writing history and proclaiming that Obama was in fact popular as all get out. Obama’s popularity is so important to them!  Let’s watch them in action and laugh:


In case you couldn’t read that claptrap under the bolded heading imploring or instructing you to believe that Obama was in fact popular, it reads:

‘All Ghanaians want to see you’

Overall, Obama’s visit was highly anticipated in Ghana, where people lined the streets waving at his motorcade, as it made its way to the presidential state house on Saturday morning.

Billboards along the roads greeted Obama’s visit to the country, including one that showed a picture of the president and his wife with the message, “Ghana loves you.”

Obama’s popularity was also evident by the coverage that his visit merited in local newspapers, many that put his picture on the front page.

As Ghanaian President John Atta Mills put it to the U.S. president: “I can say without any fear of contradiction that all Ghanaians want to see you.

“I wish it were possible for me to send you to every home in Ghana,” Mills added.

CTV reporter/opinionator Craig Oliver last night said on the news that as a matter of fact, he “was greeted with wild enthusiasm!”.  A former U.N. ambassador said he thinks it was “a very important visit”. 

Maclean’s, um, “informational offering” goes a step further, and like other media robots guided by remote control from liberal media central, write their headline so as to include the “fact”  —wink!— that Obama’s visit would have been massively popular but was stymied only by the fact that there weren’t many outdoor events, and there was heavy security this time, unlike last year when Bush was there, and heck, all Ghanaians all have TVs now. You know, suddenly, since Bush visited last year.  Or something. 


And I didn’t see all the news coverage, but PTBC readers across the country filled me in on what I missed:

From: Vicki
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 9:47 PM
Subject: Obama

Hi Joel…I just watched CTV news with Dan Matheson. He was all tingly in the leg about ‘President’ Obama and introduced him as “Africa’s native son” .. 
Silly me my ears perked because I thought for a second that he might be sharing the story of the Zero’s birth in Africa but no…he just went on with his adoration of him. 
Of course it was followed by a story about Harper…not once referred to as Prime Minister Harper…and Roger Smith filled us in again on the wafer controversy and all the gaffes ‘Harper’ made at the G8. 
You might catch it a 11 out your way. 


Harper gaffes fill the void where they wished they could talk substance about Obama. 


Joel Johannesen
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