Friday, September 20, 2024

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Obama “health care” symbolism; is history repeating itself?

In a fantastic display of their superior ability to be “uniters” instead of “dividers”, and replete with the unique ability to bridge the political divide and to be bipartisan, bringing Americans back together again after that ever so awful President Bush, people on the left are now engaged in increasingly calling their opponents to Obamacare (or anything else they believe in, like their “stimulus” packages), “right-wing extremists” or “Nazis”, or “Hitler-like” (apparently completely ignorant of — or at least blithely pretending to be — the fact that Nazis were overtly left-wing, not right wing, and they were socialist and fascist—which is the opposite of conservative or what we call “right-wing”, extreme or not). 

The Democratic Party-controlled House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer joined House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) today and co-wrote an op/ed in USA Today which they added that those who protest against Obama are… “un-American”.  Well how unite-y. 

The increasingly bizarre, clown-like Nancy Pelosi, caught in a radical lie, said last week (see video at left) that those opposing her and Obama’s government takeover of health care (and several other facets of American life) are not grassroots folks at all—they’re “AstroTurf”.  But the Botox-filled prima donna then reports that they are organized by unnamed corporate evil-doers (boy the corporations are clever… and yet so stupid!), and those foolish un-American folks are routinely “carrying swastikas” to those Democratic Party-organized “townhall meetings”.  Those townhall meetings were of course benevolently set up by Obama-boosting government health care defenders, simply to help those dumb Americans who aren’t as smart as them to finally understand the benefits of big government health care.  The opponents, on the other hand, have “crashed” the meetings, and are engaged in a secretly organized, national in scope, and very mobile “mob” — and “Nazi”! — conspiracy, rather than in plain old grassroots opposition. 

I always say liberals and all leftists speak as though everybody in the room agrees with them.  To liberals, there can’t possibly be a sane opposition to their ideas.  They must be “Nazis”.  Or political nuts.  Right-wing “extremists”.  “Radicals”.  They can’t possibly be “Americans”, let alone grassroots Americans who are acting purely on their own volition because they love America as it was envisioned by its founding fathers, and don’t seek to turn it on its head, and into a socialist state. 

Polls all say that the majority of Americans are increasingly against Obama’s and the left’s increasing government growth, control, spending, taxation, and intrusion into their businesses and their lives, and the credible threat that America is being transformed into a socialist — and indeed a fascist — state.  So Democrats and their liberal media are becoming increasingly desperate.

But nothing could prepare me for the overt hypocrisy taking place (in addition to the outright lies).  The left’s freakish propaganda being put out by President Obama, down through Nancy Pelosi and right down to their “grassroots” organizers (forget how incongruous those words — “grassroots” and “organizers” are together) is nothing short of breathtaking in its audacity —mainly through its audacious use of symbolism. 

Here’s an email I received from Barack Obama’s people while I was on holidays, which nearly sent me straight back to work.  See how they are organizing “grassroots” protests.  And, since Pelosi brought it up, let’s see just who exactly is carrying “Nazi”-like paraphernalia. 

I’ve pointed this out before several times:  Note how the emails always use that freakish Obama orb logo instead of the official Seal of the President of the United States of America, or say an American flag, in its propaganda.  And see how the Obama “health care” logo is superimposed over the Obama orb logo.  (Never mind that just weeks ago I mocked Obama for risibly instructing America that “it’s not about me!”).  The propaganda technique leaves freedom-loving, and fascism-opposing folks, with some disturbing flashbacks from the past. 


And here’s a Nazi symbol:


Personally, I would have made sure there was no similarity instead of an almost spot-on similarity.

Here’s what says, in part:


All throughout August, our members of Congress are back in town. Insurance companies and partisan attack groups are stirring up fear with false rumors about the President’s plan, and it’s extremely important that folks like you speak up now.

So we’ve cooked up an easy, powerful way for you to make a big impression: Office Visits for Health Reform.

All this week, OFA members like you will be stopping by local congressional offices to show our support for insurance reform. You can have a quick conversation with the local staff, tell your personal story, or even just drop off a customized flyer and say that reform matters to you.

We’ll provide everything you need: the address, phone number, and open hours for the office, information about how the health care crisis affects your state for you to drop off (with the option of adding your personal story), and a step-by-step guide for your visit.

According to our records, you live near Rep. Christopher Lee’s office in Rochester, NY.

Sign up now to visit Rep. Christopher Lee’s office in Rochester this week.

Golly, that sure sounds “grassroots”.  Not at all organized by a political leader and his mammoth party using symbolism and such to push a radical agenda. 

One of the Democratic Party’s propaganda conduits,, writes me at almost the exact same time imploring me to get involved in their big “grassroots movement” by also pleading for money, so they can hire grassroots, uh, organizers, thus using the two words which can’t really legitimately be used together in the same sentence (“grassroots” and “organizers”), in the same sentence: 

We’ve got a plan to fight back against these radical right-wingers. We’ve hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama’s agenda for change. And we’re building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.

Pace the Nazi hunter Nancy Pelosi, the only connection I’ve been able to find between any Americans and Nazis, since Pelosi brought it up, is the one found by me, as I alluded above, and as I’ve since found out, by several others in the sensible set.  Watch this quick video:

Several other bloggers and politicos have striven to find any one example of a Obama government protester at one of these town hall meetings carrying a “swastika” or any Nazi symbol, and the only one reported to have been found was on a sign carried by an Obama opponent who had one on his placard with a line drawn through it.  In other words he was saying no to that notion, and no to what he’s seeing developing in this Obama government — not supporting Nazism.

So maybe that’s what Pelosi meant.  She’s a pure, honest broker after all, not a lying socialist propagandizing radical who is invoking symbolism, or a fascist.  Right?  Right.

Joel Johannesen
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