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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Non politics blog entry? Holy moly. Yes, it’s Happy House-Cleaning - Post-Move Day

I mentioned in my previous non-politics Canadian Tire really let me down post a few days ago that my mother-in-law is moving (Jo-Anne offered to return that parts-challenged utility dolly, and I’ll follow-up with her report on that adventure-ette soon!).  That move is now nearly completed. 

Sidebar: We the people use our scarce after-tax moola to collect many, many, many—a great many—useless things of every cotton-pickin’ description, over the years, which nearly all need to be discarded or moved or garage-sale-ed or given to the Sally Anne.  Like what’s up with all those K-Tell products?  And “preserves” from 1994?  “Yummy” Saskatoon berry/rhubarb jam from the early pre-Monika Clinton era?  Vases?  How many vases does a family need?  Bric-a-brac a-plenty.  Chachkas!  Gewgaws!  Take this warning Canadians: we should stop doing that.  It would save so much time and energy.  I’m just saying.

Today we have to clean the old sold house in preparation for the big handover to the new happy owners so they can start collecting useless junk and sundry trinkets to fill that big basement and every closet.  So I won’t be around a computer much today.

So you can use this as an open thread if you want.

Joel Johannesen
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