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Newsquips Wednesday

Newsquips are updated through the day. Other blog posts may or may not be added above or below this Newsquips entry.  Refresh the page several times a day, just as, say, Liberals refresh their leader. 

1.   VINDICATED by B. Hussein Obama himself— reports this morning:  “In his first post-election newspaper interview, with reporters from the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, Obama was asked: “Do you anticipate being sworn in as Barack Obama or Barack Hussein Obama?””  YIKES!  Liberals and Democrats roundly BASHED me and all other conservatives for DARING to call Obama “Barack Hussein Obama”, which is his name.  RACIST!  LIAR!  BASTARD!  YOU’RE STUPID! …and other intellectual progressive nuance ensued at every turn.  …  He replied: “I think the tradition is that they use all three names, and I will follow the tradition, not trying to make a statement one way or the other. I’ll do what everybody else does.”.  …  Actually, Hussein, Ronald Wilson Reagan swore in as “Ronald Reagan”.  And Jimmy Earl Carter swore in as “Jimma Catta”

  2. This headline on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works web site is one from which all liberals and other leftists will shield their eyes, just as they shield their faces from view when they embark on an off-road trip in their SUVs to the local supermarket (Safeway parking lots qualify as “off-road” to big-city liberals):  “UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims” … I’ve documented several instances of hundreds and thousands of scientists blasting the “man-made global warming” hysteria over the years.  This story says, “POZNAN, Poland – The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore. … 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists … have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007. The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.”  … As liberal-left Obama-luvin’ MSNBC politics show host Chris Matthews might say, stories like this make me feel a chill going up my leg

3.    More idiotic unionspeak to add to that for which I awarded our not-at-all-coveted Award just this morning
“A receptionist at Local 514 said the union would have no comment. ‘We don’t really talk to reporters,’ she said.”  …. That was tagged onto the end of a Financial Post story on the huge left-wing labor union representing ports workers, which is threatening to go on strike against Canada and its biggest port in the midst of a global economic crisis affecting all Canadians.  Workers—or non-workers—at British Columbia ports in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and Prince Rupert will be in a position to strike beginning Jan. 2, effectively shutting Canada downHappy “holidays”, Canada!  Happy New Year!  We at the union HQ support the Liberal-NDP-Bloc “coalition” because it’s all about the economy and getting Canada back on track!  …  Meanwhile, here at PTBC we support the workers, but we don’t really support the unions.  Or their mission.  Wink.  …

4. …Gratuitous placement of our troop and mission-supporting message:

5.   I just posted our Ann Coulter’s latest column in the columnist section.  While I’m at it, The Right Brothers  made a music video about Ann Coulter in honor of her latest book coming out December 31, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America.

  6. Followup to Matt B.’s Award-winning tip to us regarding the Ottawa bus strike:  watch this YouTube video of a (local Ottawa) CTV interview with the union boss.  Feel the compassion for the public from Mr. Compromise.  Remember: the Ottawa bus driver’s union has been fighting for their bus drivers “for 106 years”—yes, since before there were buses.  Awesome.

image7.   I’m not sure what the headline means.  Do U? Maybe that’s the problem.  But the headline from Yahoo on a (bad) Canadian Press story is about Prime Minister Harper offering the Liberals an olive branch, just as the mortally conflicted liberals have been demanding, like little whiny conflicted and colicky babies.  … But anyway.  Speaking of Coulterisms (sort of), here’s how that usually works out:  Offer liberals an olive branch, and they’ll rip it out of your hands, bash you over the head with it, then go hug the tree it came from.  For example, after hearing about the olive branch caper (if you will), that genius socialist Liberal Ujjal (“neo-cons are big poo-heads!”) Dosanjh offered this compassionate diplomatic talking point:  “The Conservatives have different messaging coming out both sides of their mouth, and that’s why you can’t trust Mr. Harper after what he’s done.”  And that erudite Liberal MP and expert negotiator Martha (“wah”) Hall (“wah wah”) Findlay reflexively replied with ”…Liberals are well aware of Harper’s past modus operandi. He can do his sweater-vest routine as he did last night and appear to be conciliatory. And the question that it begs is, when is the real Stephen Harper going to stand back up again?”  … They trust the Taliban and Fidel Castro and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—and are more prepared to chat with them—than to Prime Minister Harper.  So at least we know they’re not zealots nor being political and ideological and extremist.  They may well be suffering from Harper Derangement Syndrome, to modify a Krauthammerism.  …  P.S.  Like so many people who are ever so smart, Martha (“wah”) Hall (“wah wah”) Findlay doesn’t understand the term “begs the question”, and misuses it.  Could be an olive deficiency. 

8.  Speaking of greasy fruits, Liberal leader pro tem Michael Ignatieff said today, his first day of Natural Governing Party leaderness, “I speak for the Liberal Party of Canada. Nobody speaks for the Liberal Party but me.”.  …  He might have followed that up with And all that yammering from our side and our news media division about Stephen Harper being a “dictator”?  Nevamind!  …  Democracy shmemocracy —am I right, Liberals?  Yeah… democracy really abounds over there at the Liberal Party, huh?
(Hat tip Orville H.)


Joel Johannesen
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