Additional Newsquips are added throughout the day.
1. Canada: SOON IT MAY BE ALL STATE MEDIA, ALL THE TIME (as Canadian liberals—and the left generally—shout… EUREKA! The plan’s working!) … First it was Global TV and the whole Canwest operation facing obliteration and laying off people to fend off financial calamity, and now it’s CTV. “After much careful and thoughtful consideration, we have concluded it is no longer possible to maintain the current status quo of our company’s operations,” said a CTV spokesman. … So far, the state-owned, state-run media, the far left-wing CBC, at which it was revealed yesterday that just one single employee spends in excess of $80,000 of taxpayer money per year on theater tickets and other such “acceptable” expenses, is still getting rewarded for its excellence with our BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR of tax dollars, utterly immune from nuisances like market fluctuations. In socialist states, the state offering the citizens “quality”, and tawdry things like “what people want” simply don’t matter. In juxtaposition, the dismal CTV says that it will implement a “freeze on travel and entertainment spending.” … What kind of government competes against its own citizens in business for profits? —and to the point where the competition all face bankruptcy, leaving only the state-owned media for the nation…
2. CBC insulted! By al-Qaeda! The main headline at the multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded Canadian news website which competes against Canadian citizens and their websites, this morning: “Top al-Qaeda lieutenant insults Barack Obama”. Wow. Good thing al-Qaeda never insulted George Bush or Americans generally! Imagine all the CBC headlines! And here’s your countdown for the far-left Bush-hating CBC to suddenly quit adding “so-called” before the words “war on terror”: 5… 4… 3… (or January 20, whichever comes first).
3. Countdown to me turning off commenting ability: 5… 4… 3…
4. Liberals’ media keep repeating the LIES and the fascist-like propaganda — Why doesn’t the liberal-left and its media distinguish between EMBRYONIC stem cells and ADULT stem cells when another ADULT stem cell breakthrough is announced in their news stories? Answer: because they want to continue to advance the false notion that embryonic stem cells are the answer. They love the idea of harvesting embryos for research. It’s another possible “value-added” byproduct of their abortion industry, um, product (dead babies). Of course that was sarcasm. I actually mean still more life “values” have been taken away from the “product”. As honest, intelligent people all know, and those of us in the reality-based conservative world all know, we support ADULT stem cell research. We oppose EMBRYONIC stem cell research on the simple basis that it’s totally immoral and unethical. That’s why President George Bush refused to allow federal government funding of EMBRYONIC (only!) stem cell research, and similarly, why so many companies aren’t stepping up to the plate to do so either. (And no, it’s not “banned” in the U.S. as the liberals and their media constantly lie and imply.) … And that’s why in the CBC article today, “Woman first to have trachea transplanted from own stem cells”, there is no mention of the word ADULT—no, not even once.
And this perfidy helps explain the fact that in the CBC fans’ reader comments, the CBC stupids are all over it with their clearly misinformed and reflexively hateful, anti-God (any chance they get to bash God, they do!) lunacy, as propagated and nurtured over the years by the CBC itself. Here are some actual examples of their rabidly anti-God and anti-reality and anti-intelligent and anti-science-based reader comments:
• MSS-CA wrote: Posted 2008/11/18 at 11:15 PM ET
I can see that religious bigots who opposed genetic research, stem cell research [that’s hideously FALSE —Joel], “world is NOT flat” research, line up to get the benefits of the same thing that they have opposed before…. Love it!
• HKToronto wrote:Posted 2008/11/19 at 9:05 AM ET
“Sean M 71 wrote: thank God for this success.” The god crowd are the ones trying to prevent this kind of research (stem cell) from happening [FALSE —Joel]. Thank someone else.
• MikeSmirnov wrote:Posted 2008/11/19 at 10:57 AM ET
We can’t have this. What about all the religious faith heads that think we should all suffer horrible deaths in the name of some imaginary friend? [That’s gracious “tolerance”, CBC and liberal-left-style! —Joel] Shouldn’t we be respecting their delusions against science? [And that’s just ironic! —Joel]
Some liberals and some in the media actually know the truth, which is that the only successes that have been made in stem cell research have been in ADULT stem cells, as in this case, where several medical treatments and cures have been and continue to be made. EMBRYONIC stem cell research has produced no treatments or cures. And alternatives to ever using embryonic stem cells have been found. This doesn’t fit their embryo-killing and abortion-legitimizing and culture of death and conservative-hating, Christianity-hating agenda. Another article | Another article | Another article
5. I love Barbara Kay’s writing, and I’m grateful she’s one of this site’s earliest supporters. But this sort of public, selective and exclusive observation is (strangely perhaps, to some of you) depressing and discouraging for me. She writes today at her home base National Post in their online commentary section:
“Like most other Canadians, I rarely watch the billion-a-year-taxpayer-funded CBC. So I’m grateful to the people who watch it like a hawk – not for pleasure, but as a moral duty – and bring us word of the left-wing bias that permeates the CBC’s organizational and creative culture. The Post has been at the forefront of Ceeb-watching for its entire decade of existence and has often been the first to catch errors, omissions, and purposeful deceptions in CBC broadcasting. It’s sad that a national broadcaster should need this kind of citizen oversight, but thanks to that legion of sharp eyes and ears, and an honest ombudsman, the English version of the CBC doesn’t get away very often – or at least for very long – with lapses of journalistic ethics. …”
The National Post is “at the forefront”? And it “has often been the first to catch errors, omissions and purposeful deceptions in CBC broadcasting”? … Yours truly, Chopped W. Liver.
6. Stumbled on this… The New York Observer, a liberal-leaning weekly newspaper, puts an article with this headline online: “The Corpulent News Network” —it’s about CNN and its obstinacy in planning any staff cuts despite gloomy economic forecasts (and perhaps bolstered by their one-night rating victory over Fox News Channel election night). Employing a misplaced or at least misused metaphor (common in what remains of journalism today), the CNN boss Jonathan Klein said “We’re not going to trim our sails.” Doesn’t sound like a great idea to me, in these times, but fine. “Corpulent” means fat or even excessively fat. But then OBSERVE THIS: if you look at the Observer’s URL link for the page, they changed the word “corpulent” for “crapulent”. Here’s the URL: An Observer editorial? Who can tell?
7. Minds think alike —The Globe and Mail and the National Post both had the same idea for today’s front pages: the love being shared between rival Liberals. But the NatPo got the better moment. The pictures are of yesterday’s House of Commons session in which Bare-Ass Bob Rae was seated right beside the raaaather unamused-looking Michael Ignatieff.
“I would think it’s easier for everybody to say ‘no’ when one of the key stakeholders act like petulant children who fail to realize they’ve existed at the substantial largesse of taxpayers for decades.”
—Kevin Gaudet, spokesman for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, on dinosaur CAW labor union boss Ken Lewenza, who in turn wins the award for the silliest—or funniest—statement of the week for statements like this:
“We don’t see this as us being the problem.”
It’s funny because the labor union contracts are at least half the problem.
I think hundreds of millions of dollars worth of federal and provincial TAXPAYER bailout money over just the last few years is far more than enough. Let them go through bankruptcy and a total remake of their former selves, top to bottom.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm