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Newsquips Wednesday

…Updated through the day as I see fit… with new ‘uns added to bottom, today…

image1. U.S. network newscasts continue to shed viewers—in direct proportion to intellectual honesty, methinks.  Drudge Report reports today: “All 3 evening news shows experienced audience drops year-to-year for the week of Oct. 13-19, 2008. … CBSNEWS w/ [Katie] Couric shed a half a million viewers, falling from 6.4 million to 5.9 million; ABCNEWS dropped from 8.1 million to 7.6 million; NBCNEWS slumped from 8.2 million to 7.8 million.” … This despite an exciting presidential election campaign, two wars,  a financial crisis, and the “man-made global warming emergency crisis” .. and that fella Dion quitting up north!  Meanwhile, on the number one cable news channel, Fox News Channel, viewership rises.  Hmmm.  (And they’re not carrying anything about the Liberal Party of Canada!)

2. One of the liberals who among all liberals is chiefly responsible for the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac troubles which led to the financial crisis, the Democratic Party’s clown Barney Frank, accidentally admits that taxing “the rich” in order to spread the wealth, as Obama accidentally admitted is his socialist plan in that now famous Joe the Plumber incident, is in the cards in an Obama administration.  By the way, “the rich” is anyone who makes more money than anyone else.  Now… go to work! 

3. reports“Senior Tehran officials are recommending a preemptive strike against Israel to prevent an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear reactors, a senior Islamic Republic official told foreign diplomats two weeks ago in London.”  I wonder if Barack Obama (if he wins) will have a chat over tea and buns with the ever so reasonable Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei before that happens, in order to “negotiate” that plan (and what will he offer them?) … or will Khamenei just change his mind on his own if Obama wins, owing to the massive “change” and the new global love and understanding and bendyness and what not that an Obama presidency will bring… 

4.  Liberals complained when the Canadian dollar went up and over the U.S. dollar.  Now that it’s gone back down again, they complain that it’s gone down.  Shows weakness!  The pound has tumbled almost 3% against the US dollar – falling to its lowest level in five years on recession fears.  But whatever they do, they won’t mention that it’s all compared to the U.S. dollar, which is rising. 

image5. The latest Associated Press poll, just released, shows Obama with a ONE POINT lead over McCain (44 to 43)—meaning they’re statistically tied.  Yet all the media (AP subscribers, all) can find are the polls by the New York Times (a.k.a. The Obama election committee) and the like, showing Obama way ahead.  If anyone hears or sees any mainstream media reporting that “Obama is only ahead by one point in the latest poll”, or “they’re statistically tied” please email me and I’ll give them a star. If the CBC reports it, I’ll never criticize the CBC ever again.  That’s how sure I am that they won’t report it. 

5-a.  …UPDATE on #5:  Drudge is on it at 11:15 AM PT. 
5-b. … UPDATE: has also picked it up. 

6.  HILARIOUS:  The Great Obama, in attempting to defend his attack dog Biden’s latest gaffe, in which Biden warned that he “guarantees” a “generated crisis” will occur in the Obama administration within his first 6 months to test Obama’s mettle (don’t worry, you won’t find it reported ANYWHERE in the liberal media here or in the U.S.), seems to admit—by logical extension—that 9/11 must have been the result of the Clinton administration’s “damaging policies”.  … “The next administration will face international challenges regardless of who is elected president, Barack Obama said Wednesday, rebutting criticism of Joe Biden’s statement over the weekend that the Democratic candidate will face a “generated crisis” if elected. Obama said the key reason the next president will face such threats is because of the damaging policies of the past eight years…”  … Next thing we’ll hear is that it all depends on what your definition of the word “is”, is, in the phrase “…is because of…”. 

7.  Thanks to Chris From Winnipeg for tipping me on this video (at right).  THIS GUY MUST BE A RACIST!  

image 8.   Al-Qaeda goes all  … An al-Qaeda-linked web site throws its “support” (—wink!) behind John McCain in an internet posting, supposedly on the basis that McCain will continue the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, thus depleting the U.S. of its soldiers and money.  The al-Qaeda irony isn’t even cleverly disguised.  But embarrassingly, CTV News is among the media idiocracy that doesn’t get it.  CTV gleefully—and dead seriously—reports it as if it’s an official endorsement of John McCain by terrorists.  … Honestly people, it’s almost embarrassing being a westerner with liberals making fools of us like this.  … SMALL UPDATE:  Story seems to have disappeared off now…

9.   Read this“Another Communist in Obama’s Orb” by Andrew McCarthy of National Review.  … I am a little concerned that since Team Obama has identified the word “socialist” and “community organizer” and others as some sort of racist code words used by Republicans, “communist” might also be if this story gets legs.  Oh well.  Read it anyway.  … ALSO:  Google: New Party Barack Obama

10.   Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly has singed on for another four years of the O’Reilly Factor.  His show is the number one cable show and has been for 94 months in a row.  Hannity and Colmes show star Sean Hannity has also signed on through 2012 —election year.  As I mentioned a few days ago, Fox welcomed Glenn Beck from CNN as well, and he’ll host a new FNC show starting in spring.  Liberals were said to react to all this with, “Well they’re stupid!”, and then shuffling off. 

11.  CNN purposely mislead—distorted—lied—in their interview with Sarah Palin.  The interviewer set up a question to Palin by misquoting—purposely—a conservative columnist from the National Review, Byron York.  CNN’s Drew Griffin told her, “Governor, you’ve been mocked in the press, the press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, you know, ‘I can’t tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above.’”  …  CNN’s Drew Griffin purposely left out the beginning of columnist Byron York’s sentence, which was “Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president, I can’t tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid…”  … CNN, after being asked to do so, refused to issue a retraction.  CNN is therefore corrupt.  [Good link]

12.  In a related story, yet another study has been conducted proving yet again that the liberal media is indeed liberal, and is in the tank for liberals and specifically Obama, at this time.  The Project for Excellence in Journalism released its findings today to almost no mainstream media coverage.  It found that 57 percent of the stories about McCain were negative.  14 percent were positive.  Only 29 percent of Obama stories were negative.  The rest were positive or neutral.  … In my educated estimation, in Canada, the results would show far greater bias against conservatives, Conservatives, or Republicans.  It’s a national disgrace for both countries, and the faster that chicken comes home to roost, the better for us all. 


Joel Johannesen
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