Newsquips daily brief— PTBC life-sustaining contribution alert of happiness and gratitude: Thanks to Ward B. for his latest automatic monthly contribution of $10; and to “Bluetech” for her (yes I know her secret—she’s a she) check for $25—enclosed in a CHRISTMAS CARD yet…and one with a nativity scene and which actually says “Merry Christmas”. So that brought joy on at least three different levels. It would be a little ironic for a PTBC reader to send me a “happy-tree festivus” card. But I’d take it. At our house the cards we’re sending out are, um, different this year—we accidentally got some with a Christmas tree surrounded by what turns out to be faux velvet—like an old Elvis painting. We’re sorry. But if you’ve got one or get one, please enjoy the tactile nature of our cards… while you watch Elvis sing Blue Christmas on the YouTube video at right.
1. A headline about a “report” (as if saying that it’s a “report” lends credibility to their pleas for corporate welfare—or any welfare) says “Auto sector failure would be ‘catastrophic’: Bryant”. I agree. But that’s why good free-market conservatives like me know that there should be no government bailout thus exacerbating, prolonging, and rewarding their failure and causing them to be reliant upon the state like a bunch of socialists. But Bryant is a big liberal-left government guy. A few sentences into the “news” item about his “report”: “He called for a government bailout of the industry.” Wow. I’m All Shook Up.
· UPDATE: As if on cue, state-owned, socialism-reliant CBC Newsworld will apparently feature an extended “interview” with Bryant (A.K.A. a left-wing promotion feature piece in which fluffball and leading questions will be tossed at brother Bryant by the intrepid CBC “news” anchor), in a couple of minutes…
· UPDATE 2: “Doomsday”, “nuclear freeze”, “Armageddon”, “nightmare scenario” were the first words out of the state-employed CBC’s news anchor Nancy Wilson’s taxpayer-fed mouth, in framing her first question to Bryant. A few questions in, Wilson asks the fellow government worker Bryant whether a government takeover would be just the ticket (by claiming that she heard others asking that question, as in, “I’ve got this friend who….—wink!”): Her EXACT QUESTION: ”…What about the government stepping in and taking over the actual plants that face closure…?” —yes I’m serious.
Perhaps she’s now so abjectly left-wing that she doesn’t even notice—or care—that she sounds exactly like Karl Marx or Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro leading a communist revolution. Bryant didn’t really like the idea except perhaps for the state to take “a small” government/shareholder stake in the auto industry (ya gotta start somewhere, Fabians!), but a complete government takeover of the auto industry is not impossible, as he finally admitted in answering her plea for communism: “nothing’s off the table” he said. Yes he actually said that. Vote liberal!
2. Liberals are tolerant of everything except people who don’t totally agree with them and embrace their left-wing world view. They shut down the debate when people don’t agree with them. “The science is settled!” “There’s a consensus!” “Shut up!” “You’re stupid!” Or, in this case and millions like it, “You fail, conservative student!” And when asked about their liberal-left fascist position on the matter: “No comment!”
Student Says School Persecuted Him for Being Conservative
A former student at the Rhode Island College School of Social Work is suing the school and several of his professors for discrimination, saying he was persecuted by the school’s “liberal political machine” for being a conservative.William Felkner, 45, says the New England college and six professors wouldn’t approve his final project on welfare reform because he was on the “wrong” side of political issues and countered the school’s “progressive” liberal agenda.
Felkner says he was also discriminated against by Professor Roberta Pearlmutter, who he says refused to allow him to participate in a group project lobbying for a conservative issue because the assignment was to lobby for a liberal issue. He alleges that Perlmutter spent a 50-minute class “assailing” his views and allowed students to openly ridicule his conservative positions, and that she reduced his grade because he was not “progressive.”
The Rhode Island College School of Social Work did not respond to a request for comment. …
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