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NewsQuips Saturday

NewsQuips —Newsquips are meant to be updated through the day.  But that makes them dependent on the notion that nothing happens through the author’s day to interrupt the flow of the said NewsQuips. For example, last night, several boards from the author’s fence blew down in that wind that blew through the west coast overnight.  Who’s going to fix that?  Some random liberal?  No.  And can they be fixed by the author in between two important NewsQuips?  And in pajamas?  And then there’s naps and things. It’s not like it’s easy.  And what with this Great Depression and all….  me can’t be affordin’ the nails…. 

image  1. Here’s another example of how lefties don’t get the picture:  It’s a photo of the ever so community conscious Michelle Obama as she doles out soup at a soup kitchen… and the starstruck, albeit poor, downtrodden starving masses…. SNAP PHOTOS OF HER WITH THEIR FANCY CELL PHONE CAMERAS while standing in line waiting for their porridge.  Why it’s just like Kenya during the Great Depression! Only modern!  … Need “stimulus”! … Somebody help us … preferably the government and “rich” white men-folks!  We need mo betta text messaging plans! 

  2. This week I did a sort of blog lament, again, as I begrudgingly awarded the National Post our totally overtly, dismissively, un-coveted PTBC Newspaper Cover of the Week Award, for their exposure—right on their cover—of yet another bit of anti-Harper, pro-liberal hypocrisy in Canadian news media.  I say begrudgingly because it’s not as if they are above exactly that reproach themselves.  imageAs a charter—and apparently lifetime—member of the Obama Booster Club, they—columnists, reporters, photographers, and others— constantly slobber over “Him” while simultaneously bashing Harper, and Bush while he was around to bash, and help maintain the totally media-supported you’ve got to be kidding party despite their innate hypocrisy and socialist lunacy, and give life-support and editorial vitamins to liberals all day long. 

I’ve long maintained the NatPo is uniquely well-positioned to be the one mainstream media source in Canada to do the right thing—and turn on the mainstream media in Canada (and it might actually save them from oblivion, and it seems at this point that nothing else will).  I challenged them to at least write an editorial about the point they were making in their big “award-winning” cover — about how the liberal media in Canada is, well, just that:  biased, rabidly hypocritical, and so on.  So I give them credit because today they sort of, sort of kind of like did something more or less like that in a way.  In so sort of doing, they of course missed 90% of the salient points there were to make, and evaded the issue, and blamed all the wrong things, and actually utterly failed. 

image  3.    Maclean’s is BANG off.  This is the opposite of “bang on”.  As all intellectually dishonest folks do (in Maclean’s case they may simply be suffering from the usual mainstream media pop-stupidity complex which is now running rampant in the world), they use a couple of handguns on their “crime stats” cover story as the emblematic symbol of crime and the horrors of crime… (blah blah blah).  In actual fact, guns should be—and are, statistically—the very symbol of REDUCING crime, and of SAFETY.  They protect citizens from crime.  But of course Maclean’s and others will happily continue to stoke the insane non-debate, which is always premised solely on the benefits of restricting guns, as all liberals do, all day long, without rational thought or, as I said, intellectual honesty.

In the U.S., about 40 states have concealed-carry laws, in which citizens are (to varying degrees) allowed to carry concealed handguns on them.  No state which has adopted a “Shall-Issue” concealed carry law has reversed its decision.  The reason?  After bringing in those laws, CRIME GOES DOWN.  So if you want to have an intellectually honest discussion about crime and guns, then discuss the facts.  Admit the truth.  Stop playing to the liberal-left and far left idiot and pop-stupidity base.  Promote the kind of responsible action me and my wife took, which was to take some courses and get our firearms licenses.  We are now both licensed to acquire and possess both rifles and restricted handguns including semi-automatic handguns.  And we are our community’s best friend. 

4.  Well now they’re just messin’ with me. Last week I lamented (again) in a blog entry (possibly the world’s briefest blog entry) about how as usual, liberalvision wrote up a story in which they (as usual) called Conservatives “Tories”, but (as usual), called Liberals “Liberals” (instead of “Grits”), in which I opined that because they so liberals, they avoid “Grit” because “Grit” sounds like dirt (and I further venture that they don’t like causing any “brand” distortion in the voter marketplace over the yummy “Liberal” brand).  So today they start a story with this headline and opener:

PM pushes Grits to end impasse over stimulus fund
Updated Fri. Mar. 6 2009 9:16 PM ET News Staff

A brewing political showdown over a Tory proposal to fast-track $3 billion for infrastructure projects appears to have been averted, despite red flags that the money could be misspent and isn’t accountable to taxpayers.

Liberal House leader Ralph Goodale said Friday that the Grits were working out a compromise with the Conservatives which would allow funding to flow quickly while maintaining accountability. …

Cheeky monkeys. 

EXTRA INFINITESIMAL:  Total count in story: “Grit”: 4.  “Tory”: 5.  “Liberal”: 6.  “Conservative”: 2.

image  5.    Sales of our PTBC pins have stopped coming in, now that the 23 people who said they would order them if I had them made, did order them (thanks to all you folks!) and they’ve been shipped out.  Next time, I’ll know that when 23 people say “yes”, that means I should order 23 pins.  Not hundreds.  Hang on—the positive side is that there won’t be a “next time” to worry about!  And that’s what passes for “positive” in conservative Canada today.  Yay team.

6. is having one of their polls today.  I think I’ve accurately zeroed-in on who’s voting for what around that place.


7.  And speaking of guns (for review, please refer to NewsQuip #3.  Thank you.)…. my new best friend Steven Crowder has a new one on GUNS GUNS GUNS!  I love this guy.



Joel Johannesen
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