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Newspaper’s “Business” section filled with GOVERNMENT articles


These are stories in the “Business” section of the weekend paper!

The liberal-left media has so blurred the lines between GOVERNMENT and BUSINESS that they’re now apparently pathologically incapable of telling the difference. Or they’re doing this on purpose. 

Reading the “Business” section here is like reading the paper in the old Soviet Union. 

The center article (at left), headlined with the word “Corporation”, is about the GOVERNMENT.  It’s another GOVERNMENT “corporation” called BC Pavilion “Corporation”.  It’s a 100% GOVERNMENT-owned, GOVERNMENT-operated division of the GOVERNMENT.  And yet they speak, in the article, of the “corporation” being “in talks” with “the government”. 

Someone grab the vodka.  We’re going USSR-style now. 

Corporation faces deficit up to $40 million
Operator of BC Place, Vancouver Convention Centre in talks with government about how to cover shortfall

The BC Pavilion Corp. will be saddled with almost $40 million in accumulated deficits after accounting for revenue losses and added expenses related to opening its expanded convention centre and the $565-million roof-replacement project for BC Place Stadium, the Crown corporation’s service plan shows.

PavCo and the provincial government remain “in discussions” over how the $40 million will be covered, whether in its operating subsidy or some other form of grant.

PavCo, which operates BC Place Stadium and the Vancouver Convention Centre, is charged with overseeing capital projects at both, including the stadium’s roof replacement.

“PavCo is working to reduce its operating deficit through increasing sales, maintaining costs and seeking new revenue-generating opportunities,” John Harding, the corporation’s chief financial officer, said Friday. …

The top of the page speaks of absolutely nothing to do with business, but rather GOVERNMENT.  It’s not even in need of a giant explanation.  It’s all about the MINISTRY OF FORESTS.  And here’s some news for you all:  That’s THE GOVERNMENT.  It’s not a business.

Hello?  Is this thing on?  Am I in the right country?  Let’s try this: Hola!?  Vive la Cuba!?  Vive la revolución!?

Forests minister calls for job-sharing to avoid ministry layoffs 
Six-per-cent cut to operating budget will be reflected in fewer person-hours of work

Forests ministry staff may face work-sharing or reduced work weeks as a result of cuts to the ministry budget announced in this week’s provincial budget.

“We are looking at all kinds of options right now, such as reduced work weeks, work-share,” Forests Minister Pat Bell said in a recent interview. …

The bottom story is about the GOVERNMENT division known as the BC Film Commission.  The paper and the Commission can’t even pretend it to be a “corporation”.  It’s name is blah blah “Commission” —it sounds wonderfully Soviet on its own!  So what’s it doing in the “Business” section?  Who knows!  The “Commission” may well deal with businesses in the film industry in BC (which, to add hideousness to idiocy, is itself extremely heavily subsidized and molly-coddled by all levels of government via taxpayer cash, and get all manner of special hand-outs of cash, favored tax subsidies, government “investment” of all kinds, all to support an industry which more than nearly any other, reeks of excesses in terms of cash and other available resources), but really, it’s a GOVERNMENT story. 

“Hollywood North” is not like Cuba or the Soviet Union —  or at least it’s not supposed to be.  It’s merely as left-wing as Hollywood and its workers.  So I guess the confusion here is almost understandable.

BC Film Commission faces 23-per-cent cut 

…The provincial agency, which promotes and serves the industry, faces a 23-per-cent budget cut this year. 

The commission’s budget from the ministry of tourism, culture and the arts will fall from $1.235 million in 2009-10 to $948,000 in 2010-11, a reduction of $287,000 …

But I still think a “Business” section should report on actual business.  Not “corporations” which are actually divisions of the GOVERNMENT —in “talks with” other divisions of THE GOVERNMENT.

So until they get it straight, I suggest the Vancouver Sun use my edited version of their misleading, Soviet-style header for their “Business” section:


Other Canadian newspapers can use a version of it.

Joel Johannesen
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