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New poll suggests media will ramp-up anti-Harper news campaign (I mean news reports)

I’ve said for the past week or so that with the advent of a couple of polls showing a rise in popularity of the Conservative Party, the liberal media will do what they traditionally do and pop into anti-Conservative gear, and start doing what they love best:  getting the liberal-left back into popularity and with any luck at all, mocking the Conservative Party and conservative Canadians generally. 

Naturally I couldn’t be happier reading stories about polls which—to me anyway—indicate good news for conservatives in Canada and bad news for liberals. But the downside is that liberal reporters and editors also read polls this way, and it spurs them into anti-conservative action.

It’s too bad the state-run CBC division of the Liberal Party seems to have reached a tentative settlement with their taxpayer-funded state employees (ceding to the demands of the liberal-left politicians in Ottawa who nonetheless deny the fact that it’s their big red political propaganda machine-in-chief), since there was a chance of a slightly less anti-conservative biased media working against conservatives at our own expense leading up to the next election—which would have been good for Canada of course.  But it’s not to be.  Back to normal!  All Canada’s media will be pleased about this settlement. 

I don’t doubt news of increased popularity of the Conservative Party hastened the CBC settlement.

The Ipsos-Reid survey, just released today on the heals of two other polls suggesting that the Conservative Party is within grasp of winning an election, will surely be the wake-up call to the liberal media in Canada—the signal to ramp up their charge against conservative Canadians and the Conservative Party.  It’s the not-so-secret handshake that sensible Canadians can see a mile away and laugh at.  Or since we’re talking about the media we could use words they’re more familiar with since they largely made them up: the “hidden agenda” of the Liberals and the liberal media which seem to work in perfect lock-step particularly as elections near.

[…] In Ontario, where the election is expected to be decided, the Liberals, at 46%, have a hefty 15-point lead over the Conservatives, at 31%, although Mr. Bricker says the Tories are within only about five points of turning the tables in their favour.

He says the ‘‘magic number’’ in Ontario for the Tories is 30%, which they have now surpassed, after which each point produces a significant number of new seats. They would only need a handful of points to win another 25 or 30 seats, which would effectively hand the party a minority government, he said.

‘‘So if he moves up another four or five and the Liberals come down four or five, we have a different prime minister, just based on what’s going on in Ontario.” […]

Paragraphs like this read like a bugle call to Canada’s liberal media.  So watch for the stream of well-orchestrated anti-Conservative stories, questions, headlines, and sundry other blatantly clear and

totally biased

fair and balanced


news reports to

vote liberal

get the vote out.

Joel Johannesen
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