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Monday, March 3, 2025
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NDP in anti-communist crisis of principle; do they support a global socialist order or not?!

Don’t worry, I’ve reviewed the you’ve got to be kidding party’s web site for socialist updates. 

Here’s the scoop:  socialism is good.  Government spending should be massively increased.  Taxes too, of course, although they don’t really mention that bit.  Unions are, in fact, “all that”.  Government will save you and your family even if you and them don’t need saving.  Corporations and the Canadians—and especially any Republican Americans— who run them are pure evil.  CBC is kinda like the be all, end all.  “Diversity” and “social justice” and “environmental justice” and “climate justice” and everything except actual law ‘n order justice is “in”.  Any personal responsibility at all is “out”.  Gay is WAY “in”.  People who make more than $60,000 should be punished because they’re very, very bad.  And “working families” should rise up against the man. 

And of course most of all, the NDP are very concerned about Canadian flag pins that are made in China.  See the YouTube video featured prominently on the NDP website of a well-rehearsed (complete with props!) but very, very outraged NDP MP, who took the time to raise the vital issue in the House, complete with pins flyin’ in every which direction and landing upon fellow NDP comrades in the front benches. 

I’m actually a little surprised.  I’d have thought Layton’s socialists would WANT our Canadian pins to be made by communists, in order to prove how crafty the commies are!  Like a proof of some sort that the socialists in China are on the right track!  They’re made by “working families” after all!  And very much like the you’ve got to be kidding minions in economic world view!  And the NDP do support a global socialist order I thought —they do say so right in their party’s constitution! 

I had imagined the NDP MP would want China to buy our Canadian products, since our country totally relies on other countries buying our goods.  But I guess not.  China should stop buying Canadian products, and vice-versa, according to the NDP.  Sounds like a great strategy. 

imageBy the way, our PTBC pins are made in China.  By commies!  Through a Canadian company, which may or may not — or whose employees may or may not — support the NDP.  I think the NDP should buy some of our PTBC flag pins. Support both the commies and Canadians!  And this web site!  …Mmmm yeah… that last bit’s a deal breaker, huh? …. It’s about lame-ass political ideology and symbolism and scoring those extremely cheap political points for increased political profit, the likes of which you can’t do if you just stay on principle and remain intellectually honest right here in Canada, really, isn’t it?


All of which makes me think of ordering in some Chinese food tonight.


Joel Johannesen
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