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NatPo editorial board: the naive leading the willfully blinded

NatPo editorial today:

Ignoring the greater evil

Posted:  December 16, 2009, 8:11 AM by NP Editor
Editorial board

The debate concerning the alleged mistreatment of prisoners handed over by Canadian troops to local authorities in Afghanistan seems important, even noble, on the face of it. But as is often the case when moral issues turn into rabid political feuds, the moral crusaders have lost sight of the big picture: Their efforts threaten to undermine our entire military presence in Afghanistan, and thereby strengthen the Taliban, which has a record of “mistreating” Afghans on a far larger scale. …

  That’s preposterously naive. 

Scenes like this actual screen-capture are like so many Canadian taxpayer-funded “artists” or “street performers” presenting daily staged plays — dramas — in which they feign indignant outrage and high dudgeon.  They’re taken seriously — as “news” — by the media, but they should be presented as tales of comedic irony because they’re outraged over exactly the wrong thing. 

The CBC takes the cue (perhaps they “lost sight of the big picture”!), and dutifully laps it all up, asking not one question about their motives.  As per the script.  This adds to the comedy that is the liberal-left and their sycophantic media division.  I’m only surprised we don’t see the image logo here.  The liberal-left and far-left “moral crusaders” (I take it this is irony?) haven’t “lost sight” of any such thing.  Quite the contrary.  The abortion parties’ dopey gaze is focused like a laser beam on their goal.  (Well that and legalizing pot and prostitution).  “[U]ndermin[ing] our entire military presence in Afghanistan, and thereby strengthen[ing] the Taliban”… is at least half their point.  The NatPo is “missing the point”.  Anybody who’s been awake since 9/11 “deservedly” happened and the liberal-left and extreme left in Canada and abroad started reflexively forgiving the Taliban and al Qaeda and instead blaming America and the west, already know that.  So this isn’t for you in the sensible set.  You can simply continue watching Fox News Channel. 

  This is really for the rest.  The CBC viewers, readers of the National Post, and the rest.

  These “moral crusaders” are the people who have argued from the beginning that we should never have engaged the enemy to start with, even after being brutally attacked by them practically in our own back yard, with the threat and promise of much more murder and terror of our families and friends and neighbors to come.  A promise which has been fulfilled often but still more is promised.  And that’s nothing compared to what would happen if we left Afghanistan, and didn’t win in Iraq!  But whatever.  We should, the mindless set cry, withdraw today, and surrender to the Taliban.  Even today, after years of further proof as to the resolve of that Islamofascist/jihadist enemy of our nation and everything it — we, I thought — stand for. 

  We should listen to themThose “moral crusaders”?  Have they not sufficiently proven themselves to be completely lacking in credibility yet?  If not yet, then when?  What exactly do these people have to propose before you realize they and their “moral compass” are beyond taking seriously, and are not beyond reproach for what some could credibly argue is virtually treason, if not simply abject stupidity and time-wasting?

  So a better option for the media today is to completely turn the tables on those people.  Stop playing their game like sycophants.  Or like useful idiots.  Question their motives in constantly taking the side of the enemy instead of our own.  Like a normal person would do, or like a slightly curious investigative journalist in the lamestream media might do if they weren’t so totally in the tank for the liberal-left and weren’t so rabidly anti-conservative and quite so eager to reflexively jump on the liberal-left’s pirate ship SS Dhimmi, and appease them at every turn. 

  Half of the liberal-left’s murderous, ideological, left-wing quagmire of political idiocy, is ignoring the atrocity that was Afghanistan (before we started our noble march for their freedom and our greater security and turned the gaze of terrorists away from our homes).  And willfully disregarding and obfuscating the fact we (Canada, America, and other coalition countries) are actually a force for good;  and it is their blaming Canada and making Canada out to be the evil one;  and then purposely causing a lack of resolve among our troops in the midst of a war they’re fighting on our behalf as a nation and thereby knowingly and willingly and practically happily putting our countrymen at grave risk;  and it’s their incessantly questioning of our very noble principles through the prism of their left-wing/socialist or Islamofascist appeaser/pacifist lens;  and lessening our national resolve.  And as a general matter, losing the war.  To evil.  Come what may (and they must surely know what would come).

  So another obvious option, as some would argue, is for authorities to charge them with treason, and for the media to ask them what took so long. 

  Question all that, National Post and the rest of you in the lamestream media, instead of kowtowing to every news bulletin the NDP puts out.  Stop embarrassing yourselves and stooping to their level. 

  No I know.  Too radical. 

Among the points of their little exercise: get free marketing of their pretense as the guardians of the “moral high ground”, and get face time on CBC and other left-wing news media, and bash anything even remotely non-left-wing … using a national media which simply couldn’t be more accommodating, even if they were paid.  By all taxpayers.
What do you know: it works.

Joel Johannesen
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