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My new column is about Fox News Channel

As I warned you earlier, my latest column would be about Fox News Channel—and it is. 

I’ve harped on its being banned in Canada for a long time—and vowed to continue to until we finally achieved victory and had it on my TV screen—and I do now.  But I’ve got a new angle on it and how it compares to Canadian media, this time around.

This snippet isn’t actually very much a part of that new angle—but I didn’t want to spoil it!  Anyway it’s in the Columnist section (allow 5 minutes or so).


When the state censors finally approved it for the viewership of what they would call “all you stupid people” (that’s translated as “Canadians” for those who don’t speak “Liberal”), they considered slapping restrictions on it exactly the same as the restrictions placed on Al Jazeera, which they approved before approving Fox News Channel.  Those restrictions would have meant the station would have to be monitored 24/7 by official government authorities, just like in Cuba, North Korea, China and the old Soviet Union, prepared to delete portions or hit the BLEEP button anytime (presumably) something non-liberal was being said.  But for some reason, they didn’t find Fox News Channel quite as threatening to Canada and liberalism as Al Jazeera and terrorists.  They said in their summary: “The Commission [that’s the state censors, the “CRTC”] considers that there is nothing on the record of this proceeding that would lead it to conclude that such treatment is necessary in the case of Fox News.” Well then.

Joel Johannesen
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