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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Must reads today

Read three things today before going to bed, in light of what I’ve posted here since Saturday concerning the Islamofascist terror threat in Canada (actually I’ve been posting about that since, oh, 9/11/2001, but whatever). 

This excellent piece, from a surprising liberal media source, the liberal Globe & Mail, but not-so-surprisingly from Christie Blatchford () in particular who, I’m hoping, may be struck by a little of what I’m calling the “6/3 conservative” phenomenon.  I’ll explain 6/3 conservative phenomenon in a second. 

Ignoring the biggest elephant in the room is the name of the piece.  Here’s a snippet:

I drove back from yesterday’s news conference at the Islamic Foundation of Toronto in the northeastern part of the city, but honestly, I could have just as easily floated home in the sea of horse manure emanating from the building.

So frequent were the bald reassurances that faith and religion had nothing—nothing, you understand—to do with the alleged homegrown terrorist plot recently busted open by Canadian police and security forces, that for a few minutes afterward, I wondered if perhaps it was a vile lie of the mainstream press or a fiction of my own demented brain that the 17 accused young men are all, well, Muslims.

But no. I have checked. They are all Muslims.

Barely two days after the nighttime raids that saw 15 of the accused arrested (the remaining two, in Kingston, conveniently were already in the joint on gun charges), the great Canadian self-delusion machine was up and running at full throttle.

Why, it’s not those young men—with their three tonnes of ammonium nitrate and all the little doohickeys of the bomb-making trade—who posed the threat. No sir: They, thank you so much, are innocent until proved otherwise and probably innocent and, if convicted, it’s because of the justice system.

It’s those bastard vandals (probably crazed right-wing conservatives, or maybe the Jews) who yesterday morning broke windows at a west-end mosque who stand before us as the greatest danger to Canadian society.

As Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, who came to the building to offer his assurances that Muslims and Muslim institutions will be protected, said at one point: “Hatred in any form and certainly in its expression in violence and damage to property will not be tolerated.”

Thank God: Windows everywhere in Canada’s largest city are safe, especially windows in mosques. The war on windows will be won, whatever the cost.

Such is the state of ignoring the biggest, fattest elephant in the room in this country that at one point Chief Blair actually bragged—this in answer to a question from the floor—“I would remind you that there was not one single reference made by law enforcement to Muslim or Muslim community” at the big post-arrest news conference on Saturday.


(Hat tip to Ross M. for that one).

And this from a completely unsurprising source, Ralph Kinney Bennett of TCS Daily, called Courage in Profiles(Hat tip to Ralph B.).


Hooray for Canadian law enforcement!

Hooray for profiling!

As the story unfolds of the arrest of 17 suspected Islamic terrorists and the seizure of a huge cache of explosive materials, Canadians, Americans, and free men everywhere can be thankful that the Canadian police and intelligence services had the courage to profile.

We don’t know a lot of details yet, and frankly, I hope we don’t learn too much about the method and manner of this investigation (we’ve told the enemy far too much already in this war), but it seems clear that Canadian security services were looking very closely at certain types of men. Gosh, it seems they were all “Middle Eastern types” and, as the Washington Post reported, they “all had Arabic names.”


As we have pointed out before here despite all the pretended piety over profiling, it continues to be one of the most important tools of preventive law enforcement.


Now about my term “6/3 conservative”.  Seeing some of the erstwhile liberals in media seemingly being shocked out of their gourd by the terrorists in Canada stories these last few days, reminded me of one of the favorite columns that I’ve read in years, by a columnist who is now carried right here at—because of that column.  Cinnamon Stillwell wrote a piece called The Making Of A 9/11 Republican back in February of last year. 


Joel Johannesen
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