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MUST READ: brilliant Charles Krauthammer on Obama’s embryonic stem cell mental/moral malfunction

Charles Krauthammer is one of my most revered serious thinkers.  Trust me, read the whole thing (it’s only a four minute read).  Here’s an excerpt: 

Using Embryos … Without Limit?

  That part of the ceremony, watched from the safe distance of my office, made me uneasy. The other part—the ostentatious issuance of a memorandum on “restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making”—would have made me walk out.

Restoring? The implication, of course, is that while Obama is guided solely by science, Bush was driven by dogma, ideology and politics.

What an outrage. George Bush’s nationally televised stem cell speech was the most morally serious address on medical ethics ever given by an American president. It was so scrupulous in presenting the best case for both his view and the contrary view that until the last few minutes, the listener had no idea where Bush would come out.

Obama’s address was morally unserious in the extreme. It was populated, as his didactic discourses always are, with a forest of straw men. Such as his admonition that we must resist the “false choice between sound science and moral values.” Yet, exactly 2 minutes and 12 seconds later he went on to declare that he would never open the door to the “use of cloning for human reproduction.”

Does he not think that a cloned human would be of extraordinary scientific interest? And yet he banned it.

Is he so obtuse not to see that he had just made a choice of ethics over science?

I’ve posted quite a few times on the matter of embryonic stem cell research and how it has been covered in the media here and in the U.S. (mostly here—abysmally, deceptively, egregiously…).  A couple of our columnists have as well:

“Scientific horrors” —columnist David Warren

“Canadian Press thinks live human embryos are a ‘religious ideology’”—My blog entry

“CBC’s reporter Paul Hunter misleads Canadians re EMBRYONIC stem cell research” — My blog entry

“Results, not Bush, slowed embryonic stem cell research” — a column by Susan Martinuk

“Stem cell research can co-exist with ethics”—a column by Susan Martinuk

“Abandon embryonic stem cell research” — a column by Rory Leishman

… and more

ALSO SEE — This hideous display of President Bill Clinton exhibiting an astounding lack of comprehension on the very basics of science and life, and the complacency of the interviewer, Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN—who was Obama’s pick for Surgeon General (Gupta turned it down)—who didn’t even correct the colossal mistake, thus affirming for all CNN viewers an enormous misinformation regarding embryonic stem cell research.  (I’ll also post this video in a separate blog entry for comments).

Also see (thanks to Dean J.) this short column by Michael Reagan published today which helps explain things very nicely, and exposes the fact that when Obama opened up taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research, he CLOSED FUNDING FOR other, morally acceptable and scientifically proven and far more promising stem cell research—such as on adult stem cell lines and induced pluripotent (IPSC) research.  This is simply, freakishly, anti-life.  Any thinking person has to seriously question the thinking—the agenda—behind this abomination.  It’s truly astounding. 

Joel Johannesen
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