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MSNBC pays man to spew Bush hatred and derision

I’ve heard and read a lot of people with obvious symptoms of Bush Derangement Syndrome (that disease has been running rampant at Canada’s state-run media for years despite Canada’s “free” North Korean-style health care system).  But occasionally we’re treated to a special example of an unhinged Bush-hater who lets it all go and oozes brain poo all over my TV screen or computer monitor. 

This time it was from a severely diseased Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, but it happens in many places daily.  You get CBC don’t you? 

This sort of thing is routinely broadcast all over the liberal media all day long —in this case MSNBC, a cable outfit that, like the state-run CBC and other networks, seems committed to hoping America loses the war on terror and the war in Iraq just to score political points and get their leftist leaders in power. (Genius!) 

Fox News Channel clearly reveals itself as a channel that wants America to win the war on terror and the war in Iraq and so on.  They don’t hate America and it shows.  That kind of insane attitude has earned them the number one spot in the cable news ratings (by a country mile).  Its competitors counter that by slamming Fox News Channel every way they can.  (Genius!) 

Luckily, like the state-run CBC, hardly anyone watches MSNBC.  I pay $1 per month to get it as part of my satellite TV package, but I’ve already decided I’m going to cancel it in favor of spending that $1 on bananas since I watch Fox News Channel all day long if I can.  (Unfortunately I can’t cancel the CBC because by Canadian broadcast law, not unlike similar North Korean or Iranian laws, it MUST be pumped into my house, no matter what I think about it, and the cable version, CBC “Newsworld”, MUST be “made available” by my cable/satellite provider, and funded by taxpayer dollars including mine no matter what I think about that.  That way, I’m more likely to watch “Bowling for Columbine” and other Michael Moore and conservative-hating features such as that, which they presented over the “Happy-Tree Festivus” holidays).

But anyway. 

The fantastic Media Research Center’s blog captured Olbermann’s latest hate-on and wrote it up better than anyone could:

On Tuesday’s Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his latest “Special Comment” attack on President Bush to accuse the President of extending the “senseless, endless” war in Iraq as part of an ulterior motive to transfer money to “war profiteers” because “you can’t sell [the Army] any more [Humvees] until the first thousand have been destroyed.”

Olbermann: “The service men and women are ancillary to the equation. This is about the planned obsolescence of ordnance, isn’t it, Mr. Bush? And the building of detention centers? And the design of a $125 million courtroom complex at Gitmo, complete with restaurants. At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.”

After proclaiming that “this country has already lost in Iraq” because of its “crushing impact on our safety here,” which has “fomented new terrorism,” “stoked paranoia,” and “pitted Americans one against another,” Olbermann accused Bush of first sending troops to Iraq for the President’s “lie,” and now for his “ego.”

[…it goes on and is worth reading…]


You think it’s mere hyperbole when I call them “Bush-haters”.  But watch the video and listen and see how he literally oozes hatred toward Bush.  The obvious unhinged and unobjective and unfettered hatred is really quite astonishing. 

Watch it here:

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Joel Johannesen
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