Just a couple of weeks ago I showed where Fox News Channel was proven by more research to be the fairest of all the cable news networks in their coverage of politics. I cited (see my Newsquips item #12) the Pew Foundation’s Excellence in Journalism study, but there was also another one by Center for Media and Public Affairs.
The excellent Media Research Center writes it up based on their Newsbusters.org blog entry:
On Wednesday, the more liberal Project for Excellence in Journalism reported their breakdown of cable news coverage of the election, and it showed MSNBC was overwhelmingly tilted against John McCain and in favor of Barack Obama. Nearly three-fourths (73%) of MSNBC’s McCain coverage was negative, compared to just 10% positive. For Obama, the good press outweighed the bad by a greater than 3-1 margin, 43% to 14%. See PEJ’s report: www.journalism.org.
On CNN, McCain faced nearly five-to-one more bad news than good (13% positive vs. 61% negative), while Obama received much more balanced treatment—36% positive stories vs. 39% negative stories.
In contrast, the Fox News Channel treated both candidates to roughly the same level of good and bad press, with Obama earning just slightly better press than McCain. One-fourth of Obama stories on Fox (25%) were positive, compared to 22% of McCain’s coverage. Both candidates received exactly the same proportion of negative stories on FNC, 40%.
[…]The bias has become apparent to nearly everyone. Last week, the Pew Research Center polled voters and found that “by a margin of 70 percent to 9 percent, Americans say most journalists want to see Obama, not John McCain, win on November 4.” All that means is that 30% just aren’t paying enough attention.
In Canada, I imagine it’s roughly 300 to 1 against anything or anyone remotely conservative, capitalist, or Christian. And that’s on CTV and in the National Post. On the far-left state-owned CBC, it’s far worse. There, they seem to supplement what I clearly see as their anti-conservative new bias with anti-conservative documentaries by Michael Moore and similar documentaries produced or commissioned by themselves (at taxpayer expense), re-run over, and over, and over again. Sometimes right before elections. And that’s on their “all-news” Newsworld channel.
And then there’s the schools. Where kids are taught that socialism is good, abstinence “doesn’t work”, and gay is the new normal.
—Here’s another of my blog entries on the topic—but there are many similar entries here at PTBC. I’ve documented this over and over. The science is beyond merely being “settled”.
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