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More on the pig Adam Lambert: Comparing the CMAs to the AMAs


From: David N
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:28 AM
Subject: About your blog post “Singer Adam Lambert is a disgusting pig, a pervert, and a freakshow. Thanks for watching.”


I don’t watch any of those Hollywood/pop progressive (so-called) trinket shows because of what you stated in your blog post.  To think only a week or so earlier there was the only award show I don’t mind watching and that was the CMAs in Nashville.  Amazing talent from start to finish, respectful speeches and even shout-outs to the troops as it was Rememberance day.  There was none of these talentless hacks parading up on stage and pretending they deserve any recognition for the little they’ve done.  I didn’t even know who this freak show was until you mentioned his American Idol participation.  Has he actually released any song that anyone recognizes?  A total and complete waste of space and time.


David N

Hey David,

I agree —we watched the Country Music Awards too and thought the exact same thing:  nice, patriotic, happy, normal, smiling people.  Nobody at the CMAs were acting-out their perverse, narcissistic, and what so often seemed to me to be like savage-level Neander-art; nor were any of them sexually relieving themselves on stage amidst other angry, yelling, shrieking, freaks, like at the festival of crap on Sunday.  And the most vivid contrast of all was how none of them at the CMAs were violently angry, as so many of them were at the AMAs, despite the rockers’ and poppers’ and rappers’ beloved Barack Hussein Obama being beatified and all the “hope” and “change” and “smartness” that must have been filling the air.  Possibly the Obama luvin’ poppers just recently clued-in to how much their taxes are going to go up! 

Here’s a good barometer (and I actually use a variation of this barometer for lots of things “politico”): If my kids watched the CMAs, I’d be thrilled knowing they were picking up some excellent values and looking up to some solid, stand-up folks.  But if they watched the AMAs, I’d be concerned about them.

I only tuned in (and really only accidentally) and watched some of it because it’s sort of my “job” to watch what’s going on and make commentary on it, maybe gleaning some insight into what’s driving it, and trying to fit that into my political molds.  You don’t honestly think I’d watch that idiotic CBC news channel all day unless I was getting paid all those big PTBC bucks do you?  Oh hang on…. but anyway… you get my point…


Joel Johannesen
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