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Monday, March 3, 2025
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Monday Newquips

  1.   Drones in Manitoba?  I thought the Liberal Party leadership convention was going to be in Vancouver.

2. online poll asks, “How would you describe Stephane Dion?”:  79% think Dion is either “Incomprehensible” (21%), “Bumbling” (39%); or “Weak” (19%).  Total Votes for this Question: 4746.  … And yet the supporters of the left-wing “coalition” thought he was JUST the guy to lead our nation.  So what are we to make of the supporters of the “coalition”?  How about “incomprehensible”, “bumbling”, and “weak”? 

image  3.  LIBERAL and GOVERNMENT WRITTEN ALL OVER IT— But can you just imagine if it were a Christian childcare center?  A GOVERNMENT-OWNED and RUN childcare center is at the heart of a criminal child molestation trial of Paul Thomas today in Toronto.  The liberal-left’s GOVERNMENT-OWNED AND RUN national childcare (and “early learning” —wink!) social program-supporting Toronto Star reports the story, including this bit, which makes the molester’s “early learning” lessons sound just like leftists with their Marxist everybody’s personal assets belong to everybody! philosophy:  “The first victim alarmed his parents when he told them his penis “belongs to everybody” and that “Paul touches it.” It turned out that Thomas had often been kissing the boy and ordering him to perform fellatio.”  …  Meanwhile at their GOVERNMENT-OWNED and RUN web site, it says of its child care center, even today, “The Staff work hard to maintain a warm, nurturing environment so that the Centre truly is a “home away from home”.”  ….  I think liberals generally have a weird idea of what most Canadian homes are like, at least outside of Toronto.  … Anyway, Paul Thomas pleaded guilty to sexually touching and inviting to the boys to touch him, and the courts division of Canada’s Liberal-Left issued the child molester’s sentence:  released on probation.  So he is now living in the Toronto community.  Vote liberal!

image4. Liberalvision’s online poll today asks “Is it time for Canada to pull out of Afghanistan?”  …  Liberals know JUST the EXACT RIGHT TIME to ask about withdrawing from Afghanistan.  Their formula works something like this:  wait until three Canadians soldiers are slaughtered in Afghanistan; then pop the question.  … Turns out that much to their chagrin, exactly half of the CTV fans answered “NO” (14,399 total votes), and of course the correct answer is “NO”.  … Alas liberalvision left out the options “No, it’s actually time for Canadians to pull their heads out of their rear ends”, and “No, it’s actually time for Canadian media to pull their collective heads out of their rear ends”.  I know I know—internet ink is expensive…



Joel Johannesen
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