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Monday, March 10, 2025
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“Militants” and “gunmen” are just normal people too!

Canada’s state-run media has informed us that Israel is “punishing” Palestinian “militants”.  These “militants” and “gunmen” are members of the Palestinian-elected Hamas party, which is what the Canadian government and most other civilized governments call a Palestinian “terrorist group”.  But the folks running and working at the CBC were appointed and hired by extremely far-left liberals bent on perverse, politically-correct moral equivalence, apparently, and seek to set us straight about what’s what rather than report facts as we as a nation have decided them. 

[…] The Israeli military has been on a punishing drive deep into the Gaza Strip. Israel says its goal in the offensive is to recover Gilad Shalit, who was taken from his base near Gaza in a lethal attack.

The army has destroyed bridges to cut Gaza into sections, making it harder for militants to move the captured soldier around. A power station was hit and the Israelis say there is more to come.

Shalit disappeared Sunday after Palestinian gunmen dug a 600-metre tunnel under the Gaza border and attacked a guard post. Two Israeli soldiers were killed in the attack.

The Palestinian militants have demanded the release of women and youths under 18 currently held by Israel in exchange for Shalit, but Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has repeatedly said Israel won’t negotiate.

But before deciding which side to take on all this, liberals and leftist anti-Israel Canadian Union of Public Employees and the United Church of Canada will be asking: but Joel, what do the French think about all this?

Shalit also holds French citizenship. French foreign minister Philippe Douste-Blazy condemned the arrest of the Hamas members on Thursday, repeating the country’s stance since the abduction that diplomacy is a better option.

Eat cheese, Douste-Blazy.

Joel Johannesen
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