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Michael Moore: Cuba has great “artistic freedom”!

Far leftist Michael Moore’s “Sicko”—his latest idiotflick—has debuted along with the usual drooling, adoring accolades from all the liberal media, with the liberal media giving him more face time and column inches than the war on terror and man-made global warming combined.  As the blog reported, on the ABC network alone, they have given him over 21 minutes of national television face time over just two days this week.  That’s as much as any one of their terrible sitcoms gets in a week’s episode, sans commercials.  There’s a similarity between the two.  Ba-dum.

But one only needs to listen to him for approximately 90 seconds—or watch five seconds of any of his idiotflicks (you’ll see them re-run over and over and over again on the state-run CBC in Canada, where they concentrate on anything Canadian if it’s left-wing, or American if it’s anti-American and far-left/socialist, which is thus what they quixotically call “Canadian culture”), to find that he’s lacking even a germ of objectivity or intellectual honesty.  Anybody who is serious knows this stuff is nothing but far-left agitprop, and even so-called serious news programs only barely and gently question the great leftist authority that is Michael Moore. 

For example, on “Nightline” (because this be “news”!):

Moore: “They have an excellent health care system, probably the best in the Third World. There is not religious persecution. There’s artistic freedom. I went–”

[Nightline co-anchor Terry] Moran: “There’s artistic freedom in Cuba?”

Moore: “Oh, yeah. I hung out with artists who are critical of Castro and, and, and very freely speak their minds.”

Moran: “Human rights groups like Amnesty International say Cuba continues to repress nearly all forms of dissent.”

Alrighty then.  Free healthcare—the best in the, um, third world!—aaaand artistic freedom.  Clearly this man is providing information you can trust.  He’s lookin’ out for you!  Michael Moore for Prez!  And Prime Minister!



Yes he did visit Canada where all the far-leftists and outright communists greeted him like a hero… and future dream prime minister.  And Canada comes up in the interview, because Moore compares America’s healthcare system (where most of the world’s politicians end up for their serious medical care ‘cept he doesn’t tell us that), to both Cuba and of course Canada, since they’re very similar. 

Moran: “Moore’s solution, free, universal health care. A system he describes in glowing, utopian terms by visiting Canada, Britain and France, never mentioning that many people in those countries are deeply dissatisfied with their systems. You think Canadians and Britons and the French would actually say, ‘Michael Moore has got it right. We live in a health care paradise.’?”

Moore: “I don’t know if they’d say health care paradise. But here’s what I know what they’d say: ‘We would never trade our health insurance card for your Blue Cross card, or your Aetna card, or you Humana card.’”

Lies.  Moore “don’t know if they’d say health care paradise”?  Great “documentary” research then!  Get that man another one o’ them Oscars!  Or… he does actually know the truth, and this is all a lie.  Yes I think the latter.  Nobody here says we have a “health care paradise”—not one person, no, not even the World Health Organization says that (ranked Canada #30), not anybody, and Moore knows it only too well.  But leftists don’t care about that.  They care about socialism. 

And if Moore thinks I would take longer than three seconds to trade my health care card for an Aetna card, he’s deluded (and he is).  Every time we take our dog to the vet, I’m reminded about how fast and top-notch private health care can be. 

(Thanks to the great blog for the information)

Joel Johannesen
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