Gillian Cosgrove of the National Post in Canada added the following bit to the end of her column almost in passing. It’s as if conservatives are the only ones who have faced reality and upon seeing the beast have thrown their hands up and conceded defeat. In contrast, Liberals rally around an unseen unknown fictional Conservative Party “hidden agenda” and win elections based on the dissemination of ether.
(Gillian Cosgrove, National Post, Friday July 09, 2004:
The intimate ties between Bell Globemedia, owners of the Globe [and Mail newspaper] and CTV, and the Martin Liberals were underscored in Sun Valley, Idaho, Wednesday when Paul Martin, in his first major event since the election, was an honoured guest at a closed-doors media mogul gabfest hosted by a Wall Street bank. According to the Globe, it was Ivan Fecan, the CEO of Bell Globemedia, who persuaded the PM to show up—to the derision of opposition parties and ire of the press gallery.Other connections between the PMO [Prime Minister’s Office] and the Bell conglomerate include transferring Jack Fleischmann, editorial head of the Globe’s business channel, to direct the multi-million-dollar Grit advertising campaign that did those nasty attack ads against Stephen Harper. Then, too, Mr. Fecan hosted a huge Grit fundraiser, and his wife, Sandra Faire, staged the Martin fundraiser that netted a record $2.8 million in Toronto just before he became PM.
Conservatives are the only ones not astounded that the key people at the company that owns the television network that the vast majority of Canadians watch, which disseminates “news” and opinion and their own special tilt to stories that they cover and choose not to cover, are clearly and inconspicuously in bed with the Liberal Party and Paul Martin himself. Liberals have yet to see anything wrong with that. Conservatives have given up trying to wake people up.
Another network, the state-run CBC, is completely stacked with Liberal Party appointees from the CEO down, and is literally the voice of the Canadian liberal. When the Liberal Party ran out of patronage appointments in the media mind-control field, the Liberals appointed a CBC reporter, Adrienne Clarkson, to the post of titular head of our nation, the post of Governor General. That’s when many conservatives gave up trying and conceded defeat.
Even Al Gore thinks the CBC’s NewsWorld International is liberal enough for his new left-wing liberal television channel in the otherwise evil United States, and has hired them on. Apparently the liberal media isn’t liberal enough for some liberals. Perhaps they could rustle up some correspondents from the old Pravda or Al Jazeera.
Canadian cable operators are required by law to supply the state-run CBC’s many network channels into Canadian homes. Then of course there’s the state-run CBC radio networks, and the state-run CBC web site which includes its own state-run message board (fully censored and moderated so that the words “Palestinian Terrorists” and others are not posted by anyone), and the CBC site inexplicably even has its cadre of opinion writers and columnists, as if the whole CBC party—uh network—isn’t already a giant liberal opinion and anti-conservative, anti-American innuendo festival.
The state disseminates its opinion and bias through state-run media, and the rest of the broadcast media is fully state-regulated by state-run regulators, the CRTC, which is also controlled by the Liberal Party. Private cable TV suppliers are required by law to provide the CBC and its message to Canadian citizens, while the CRTC has the sole authority to decide what else Canadians will be allowed to watch on television, which, they’ve decided, cannot include the nonliberal Fox News Channel. You see, the CBC and other channels are “fair and balanced”, and Fox News Channel is “not liberal”, so, duh.
The third Canadian TV network, owned by Canwest Global, also owns nearly all the newspapers in Canada not owned by Bell Globemedia. It is owned by the Asper family, which was started under patriarch (the late) Izzy Asper, who was well-known as an unabashed Liberal Party fundraiser and supporter. Sensible people call that the epitome of the “liberal media”. Liberals call that “patriotic”.
The state-run CRTC, fully stacked with Liberal Party appointees, despite television cable operators’ applications (as recently as spring of 2004), has still not approved a license for the broadcasters to broadcast the only even remotely conservative-friendly news and opinion network in North America, Fox News Channel, to willing Canadian consumers with cash in hand, under penalty of law. Those caught trying to steal the Fox News Channel signal out of the clear blue sky with their satellite dishes are subject to a $10,000 fine and up to six months in jail.
As a friendly reminder, yes, this is in fact Canada, true north strong and free. The “strong and free” part is merely a bit of Canadian humour. Only the liberals are laughing. Well them and Al Jazeera.
Fox News Channel is the most popular cable news channel in the United States and yes, it’s more popular than the liberal-leaning CNN and the flaming liberal Larry King eats the dust of the moderate conservative Bill O’Reilly in viewership.
Just about the only voice we hear in Canada is the voice of the liberal-left. Just how surprising can it be that Canadians obediently think like liberals and vote as such? And write, and complain, and demand, and live, and raise families or abort them—whatever they decide, or have the state raise them if they are born, and argue for more entitlements….
The print media in Canada is now fully liberal. Broadcast media in Canada is fully state-regulated by Liberal Party appointees. And the state runs several huge opinion-disseminating media networks and outlets, and bans others. Can you think of other countries in which that situation exists—or did exist before they collapsed?
By Joel Johannesen
This editorial is posted at Here is the exact link to the editorial:
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