It’s called driving an agenda. A media agenda. A liberal media agenda.
Today, I couldn’t read my Vancouver Sun, because it was taken over by an environut freak-out show as edited by their “Guest Editor”, The Prophet David Suzuki of the environmentalist industry and religion. I’m dead serious. They actually handed him the keys to the asylum for the day. One had to look so hard for actual news—the kind we haven’t already had drilled into our feeble minds by the liberal-leftists and their agenda-driven media over the past three years or more—that I gave up and plan on demanding a refund for today’s non-news pure propaganda sheet. And when I found actual news, I only found about three stories.
So I turned to the National Post, which I do every day anyway. There, I found that “we” don’t talk about ABORTION (note the big letters!) at all in this country. The National Post might want to grab a clue and read the ProudToBeCanadian website once in a while, where I bring it up all the time—as much as I can without turning the site into a Vancouver Sun environut freak-show of a web site, Prophet David Suzuki-style.
Of course in the National Post abortion story (same owner as the Vancouver Sun and nearly the same political bent —NP has more conservative columnists—hi Barbara Kay!—and good editors like Jonathan Kay), they frame it all up as though those us who are pro-life (whom they continually dub in today’s stories with the tendentious, exceedingly negative-sounding—and they know it—“anti-abortion” moniker) are from the, and I quote, “religious right”. They seek to marginalize us by so doing, and thus insult me and you, in their effort to hide their “anti-life”, “anti-baby”, “baby-hating”, “pro-abortion” “culture of death” agenda.
National Post: Golly! Ain’t nobody talks about abortion
(not even us at the NP, but whatever)!
Vancouver Sun: Golly! Ain’t nobody talks about that
“man-made global warming”, um, enough!
Click to see these bigger
By the way, the National Post story coincides with the March for Life protest on Thursday at Parliament Hill, which is (not really) covered by the media with their usual mendacious underestimate of the numbers of people protesting Canada’s TOTAL LACK OF ABORTION LAW—a lack of law meaning that women in Canada can have an abortion at any time for any reason or no reason. At taxpayer expense. They can even have one at nine months, because free taxpayer-paid abortions at any time in any pregnancy for any reason whatsoever is what the liberal-left calls “A Canadian Value” (once again for those who weren’t paying attention: abortion is a “Canadian value”), and they have fought tooth and nail to preserve their values of abortion, with the help of the liberal media which aids them in their endeavors, by, for example, never talking about abortion, and not covering pro-life protests.
As we in the sensible set (or what the liberal media call “the religious right” even if we’re not remotely religious, or even “right-leaning”, actually just sensible) know, abortion is the most disgusting, disgraceful thing ever thought of by humans.
Edited at 2:30
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