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Media instructs us: Anti-Christian is the way to go!

(Hat tip: conservativegal)  –  The survey was conducted for CanWest News Service, which apparently wanted to gain this information for some reason.  It was conducted for them in order to create news by a polling firm called Ipsos Reid, which failed to predict the outcome of the last Canadian election as accurately as other polling firms did. 

And the poll was done less than three months after Canadians voted for a government led by Stephen Harper, an evangelical Christian and one of Canada’s most openly religious political leaders in decades, aside from other politicians who are ardently Christian and many of whom have won elections by massive landslides across Canada. 

And it was done right before Easter, an official Canadian national holiday which all employers must respect by law, in recognition of Jesus Christ, much like Christmas. 

Canadians say religion, politics don’t mix

[…] Only 63 per cent of Canadians said they’d vote for a party leader and potential prime minister who is an evangelical Christian, even if they liked the party and its views…

Canadians appear to be slightly more accepting of a potential prime minister who is a Muslim or atheist.

Sixty-eight per cent said they would vote for a candidate in either of those categories

In the last Canadian Census, some 70 percent of Canadians voluntarily identified themselves as “Christian”.  But, you see, most would rather have a Muslim as a leader.  Or someone who thinks they, as Christians, are basically nutbars.  Got it?  OK.  Carry on.  Bush sux!  Abortion is a God-given human right just like gay marriage!  Harper’s gonna create an Iranian-style theocracy!…


Joel Johannesen
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