Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Maybe they awoke a sleeping giant. Now to Canada?

John T. Plecnik, a law student at Duke University, writes in Hippies Lose Protest Movement to Campus Conservatives.  I’m hoping for the trend to move north. 

From Yale to the University of North Carolina, liberal academia is being challenged by a new generation of conservative leadership. Credible tales of professors grading down conservative students have always run rampant. Biased lectures remain the unremarkable norm. One variable has changed, however. Liberal academia lacks its traditionally receptive audience.

During the opening weeks of the Iraq war, professors were shocked by the absence of antiwar fervor among their pupils. Leading up to the 2004 elections, record numbers of undergraduates joined the College Republicans and other conservative organizations. Ingenious student protests, such as Berkeley’s affirmative action bake sale and Duke’s “W” (Bush) T-shirts (worn in Cameron Indoor Stadium during televised Blue Devil basketball), have garnered national attention and support.

This is not to say that all collegiate scholars are voting Republican. I simply state the obvious premise that our current student population is markedly more conservative than their counterparts in professorial and administrative positions. The differing generational perspective has caused noticeable friction between the scholars of past and present, and this ideological friction is the root cause of the upsurge in media attention to the subject of liberal bias on campus. Our professors’ passion for Marxism, Stalinism, multiculturalism, moral relativism, atheism, and the Democrat Party is no more profound in the new millennium than it was in the old. The sea change has occurred within a different body politic: the lowly freshmen.

Today, incoming students are challenging their professors’ supposed monopoly on wisdom. Where their predecessors might have acquiesced or even agreed, the modern student body has objected. At UNC-Greensboro, the resident College Republican chapter protested their school’s gay “Pride Week” by organizing their own “Morals Week” to run simultaneously. […]

Joel Johannesen
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