I’m making mention of this story because it once again shows the strength behind the pro-family and pro-marriage force in this nation, but also because I nearly spit my morning coffee out simply because I saw this story in the mainstream media.
I note that the story says “more than 2,500 people gathered…” so I’ll take that to mean 3-6,000 people gathered, but just the same, I’m delighted that the mainstream media has offered this benevolent gift of truth just this once, begging the question: Are the media drunk?
EDMONTON – More than 2,500 people gathered to rally against gay marriage at Mill Woods Park on Sunday, waving placards as a host of multi-faith speakers took to the stage.
Organized by the Edmonton-based Committee for the Support of Traditional Marriage, the rally mirrored a national movement to unite religious groups opposed to same-sex marriage. Muslim, Hindu and Christian leaders urged the crowd to stand up for heterosexual unions.
“The time has come for the government of Canada to use its coercive power to legislate that a couple being married must be a man and a woman,” Calgary Bishop Frederick Henry told the jubilant crowd in a repeat of the controversial call-to-arms that has landed him in front of the Alberta Human Rights Commission.
[…] From fresh-faced Mennonite girls to leather-clad members of the Soldiers for Jesus motorcycle club, Sikhs, Jews, youths and grandmothers, the crowd pledged to fight same-sex marriage Bill C-38.
“Folks, we are at war for the soul of this nation,” organizer David Fletcher said to wild applause.
“Thank you Paul Martin … you have managed to awaken a nation, a nation that is now filled with righteous anger.
“It is up to us to send a message.”
The crowd, which peacefully tolerated a handful of pro-gay marriage demonstrators, waved signs that said “God’s Plan For Mankind: The Family” and “God Defined Marriage.”
Irma Berger, a 66-year-old grandmother of four, held a placard saying “It’s All About Kids.”
“God loves (the homosexuals), and we do too—it is their sin that we hate,” she said.
Sikh Tarvinder Kullar, 57, came to voice his opposition to Bill C-38.
“We are getting worse than animals,” he said, shaking his head. “Our politicians should listen to the voice of their country—male and female together is what we call the family.”
Sandra Gordon came with her husband and two kids. “I just feel it is important to preserve marriage between a woman and a man,” she said. “That is the way God made it.”
I can’t help but point out how the liberal media continues to attempt to turn this debate into some sort of a “religious-right-freakshow” versus “normal-liberal-folk” battle, as opposed to one of simply good traditional values that built this nation (oh and and all humanity), Canadian family-creation, and the penises/vagina thing, versus unworkable weirdness.
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