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Liberalvision CTV: What do you mean “who’s Al Gore”?!

Today on liberalvision CTV Newsnet: 

Click to view video The “news” “reporter”, Julia Foy, sets up the story on the liberals’ CTV Newsnet, (banner on story: “INCONVENIENT CONTROVERSY”, of course, ensuring a Juno Creativity Award of Merit!) by raving about her li’l hero Al Gore, and his freak-out claptrap “documentary” called “An Inconvenient Truth”.  She’s sure to inform us, so that we uninformed minions understand, that it has won only “accolades” from “around the world”.  No word on the numerous criticisms about it and the sound debunkings and mockings “from around the world”.  No.  Throughout the “news” story, alarming enviro-disaster scenes from Gore’s “documentary” are played as a backdrop. 

She then has her cameraman zoom in tight on the right-thinking Surrey, B.C. School Board member Heather Stillwell, who bravely challenges the legitimacy of showing (what I call) that piece of increasingly discredited left-wing political agitprop to our kids, in public schools, without at least a counterbalance, as has been offered for free (Foy doesn’t mention that). 

Stillwell rightly shrugs her shoulders and asks, in her effort to wake-up the apparently blinkered “reporter”: “Well who is Al Gore?” 

I liked that answer because she did it in the President Bush manner, which I also like.  That’s when he’s trying to explain things to the overtly liberal media for the three-hundredth time, and in the tone of his voice and look on his face, he seems to be asking, “what part of ‘global war on terror’ don’t you freaking understand?”

The “reporter”, Julia Foy, apparently taking great offence to the suggestion from Stillwell the School Board member that she doesn’t recognize the “reporter’s” Prophet Al Gore and the environmentalist religion’s teachings, cynically retorts (another word for counter argues, which is rather odd considering she’s supposedly simply gathering information as a “reporter”) with:  “Well he’s the former Vice President… who’s been meeting with scientists… and gathering information…”.  I’m so sure Stillwell had no idea ‘bout that. 

The “reporter” explains to her audience (an audience she seems to believe are dumb pliable Canooks, and that may well be true), that the Board member Stillwell is trying to prevent the movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, being distributed for free to B.C. schools and shown without a counterbalance. 

It’s important to note, as the reporter Julia Foy did not on purpose I’m guessing, that plans are in the works for the documentary to be distributed to all schools in B.C. for free, by a left-wing political group with ties to the very left-wing and very political and American Bush-hating agitator George Soros, through the Soros-funded Tides Foundation.  Soros is of course a chief Democratic Party funder, and funds many left-wing political causes that bash any non-liberal-left or non-“progressive” cause.  I’ve explained this all before in previous blog entries, but the “reporter” must surely know all this —even without educating herself by reading my blog.  Julia: read my blog entry called “Who’s behind the public schools’ liberal-left and environmental religion dogma in the classroom?”.  Don’t read anything to counterbalance that, because you already have, a thousand times.  I’ll grade you after class. 

Heather StillwellBack to a close shot of Stillwell simply saying that she simply wants the great documentary called The  Great  Global  Warming  Swindle shown to counterbalance (what I’m calling) that left-wing political agitprop claptrap.  Well.  Like Fox News Channel, which dares to show both sides, this is therefore seen by the far left as biased.  Yup.  Blasphemy.  Showing both sides.  Outrageous! 

Cue the typical teacher—reliably liberal-left-wing. 

Kerry Richardson, apparently against a counterbalance to liberal-left agitpropThey focus their lens on an apparently bewildered Teacher’s Association representative named Kerry Richardson, who assumes the full-on liberal sneer and eye-roll regarding this silly Board member invoking the very notion of a counterbalance to the far-left’s agitprop.  In fact she informs us, in her typically liberal effort to marginalize her opponent:  “I think teachers would be rolling their eyes at this point… and saying: what are people thinking?!  … in our district… that they would restrict the showing of this until they get something to balance it … I mean what are we waiting for —something from Shell Oil?”

No, Kerry Richardson, as you know, it’s not “something from Shell Oil”, it’s simply an opposing point of view—different from your far-left agitprop.  I know.  Blasphemy.  But anyway, Kerry Richardson, please pay attention or you will fail—even more than you already have.  (And unlike you folk, I dig grading and I am the judge here!)

The “reporter” then goes back to Stillwell and informs us there’s… wait for it… another “inconvenient truth” ( I smell a Pulitzer!).  Yup.  She’s really blown the lid off this caper now, folks.  She confronts Stillwell again, this time with the “inconvenient truth” that Stillwell hasn’t screened “An Inconvenient Truth” from beginning to end like a good liberal-leftist.  The “reporter” frames this all up for the pliable audience in such a way as to ensure that the viewer assumes, by this revelation, that Stillwell is an idiot, and another one of those, um, non-liberals, merely prejudging a situation (as they themselves never do);  and as if Stillwell and the entire world don’t already know more about this movie—without ever actually seeing it—than they know about their own Bible;  and that they don’t already know exactly, almost word-for-word and scene-by-scene, what it’s about.  (That’s owing to the incredible, always favorable, wall-to-wall coverage the agitprop documentary gets from the liberals’ media… and their schools… and their universities… and so on, where the Bible is of course summarily banned).

Of course to attempt to purposely end the piece on a low note for Stillwell, the wily, intrepid oh-so-objective CTV “reporter” Julia Foy, after actually confronting Stillwell about that ever-so “inconvenient truth”, and Stillwell giving no immediate answer (choosing instead to do as I would—which is to shrug my shoulders at the apparent utter stupidity of the tendentious “reporter” in asking that),  goes ahead and informs us anyway:  “There was no clear answer.”

Onto the next “news” story. News Team:
CTV News/Newsnet:

EDITED at 12:52 PM PDT

Joel Johannesen
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